Away continues to experience a public failure that undermines its stated values as a community-focused global travel brand. It’s painfully clear that the luggage company’s senior leadership, especially its co-chief executive Steph Korey, needs a lesson in reputation management.
PR News Blogger Network

Seth Arenstein

Nicole Schuman
Content Manager

Sophie Maerowitz
Sr. Content Manager

Gervais Condemns Golden Globe Artists as Complicit in Corporate Sins
January 6th, 2020 by Justin JoffeEmbedded in Gervais’ barbs was far more than a subversive comedian taking jabs at a captive audience— a reminder that, in an election year, problematic business decisions from the top tiers of a brand will continue to leave a mark on the celebrities, and spokespeople, who are doing work on behalf of that brand.

Lessons in Branded Content From a Cannabis PR Pro
December 10th, 2019 by Justin JoffeLast week, we talked with Joshua Otten, CEO of Ronin, the largest branding agency for cannabis and hemp businesses. We spoke about his journey from PRØHBTD to Ronin, how quality content can make the difference between a commodity and a lifestyle, and why the future of cannabis branding will live on streaming services.

South Dakota’s ‘Meth’ Campaign Opens Debate About the Limits of Awareness
November 19th, 2019 by Justin JoffeSouth Dakota’s PR campaign around the state’s methamphetamine epidemic accomplished what it set out to do—create awareness around a state-wide health crisis. But the play on words, “Meth. We’re on it,” superimposed over pictures of… Continued

‘Let’s Do More’ and Other ‘Impressions’ of Measurement Month 2019
November 14th, 2019 by Seth ArensteinNovember is Measurement Month. I swear it is. Johna Burke, the intelligent and ebullient global managing director of AMEC, just wished me Happy Measurement Month. So I know I’m not totally mistaken. Despite events on… Continued

Real-Life Experience is the New PR
November 11th, 2019 by Nicole SchumanNothing can compare to the experience of “being there.” Whether it’s attending the opening night of the newest Star Wars movie, being the first in line to buy the latest Jordans, or standing atop the… Continued

From JUUL to Facebook, Self-Regulation is Always Bad PR
October 31st, 2019 by Justin JoffeJUUL Labs, the now ubiquitous e-cigarette manufacturer whose pocket-sized vaporizers work with its propriety pods of nicotine liquid, has found itself in a free fall over the past few months. In June, the company’s own city… Continued

MGM Reaches Vegas Settlement, but Money Can’t Buy a Good Reputation
October 3rd, 2019 by Nicole SchumanNo amount of money can ever bring a person back from death. And a settlement reached two years after a national tragedy might be too late to repair a consumer’s perception of a brand. While… Continued

Are Communicators Sending Out an SOS (Shiny Object Syndrome)?
August 29th, 2019 by Sophie MaerowitzEmerging platform TikTok has seen a lot of buzz these days, and perhaps rightly so: It has added 1.2 billon users over just one year. A new shoppable hashtag campaign from Ralph Lauren is already… Continued

How to Make A Branded Podcast That People Actually Listen To
August 22nd, 2019 by Justin JoffeA look at why these branded podcasts are working provides many strong lessons for communicators about the merits of the medium.

Boeing: Unhealthy Leadership Leads to Crisis Mismanagement
July 25th, 2019 by Seth Arenstein[Editor’s Note: This post describes two crises, both of which resulted in fatalities. In only one case, were jobs lost as a result.] At Flowery Branch, GA, about one hour’s drive from Atlanta, DJ Durkin… Continued

Why The Rise of Femvertising is Good PR
July 19th, 2019 by Meredith KlenkelMany marketers continue to operate with the idea that American family ideals of the past are relevant in targeting female demographics. But this tactic falls flat for many—if not most—modern women. Worse, it lacks the… Continued
Why Gender Stereotypes in Ads are Bad PR
July 18th, 2019 by Justin JoffeMany marketers continue to operate with the idea that American family ideals of the past are still relevant in targeting female demographics. But this tactic falls flat for many—if not most—modern women. Worse, that approach… Continued
What the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team Win Means for Equal Pay in PR
July 11th, 2019 by Nicole SchumanThe United States Women’s Soccer Team victory tour might just be the envy of all campaign managers. The successful embrace of the team’s fight for equal pay organically resounded throughout the crowds at each appearance… Continued
Why Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency Can’t Cure Its Transparency Blues
July 3rd, 2019 by Justin JoffeFor the past few years, future-focused communicators have seen cryptocurrency as a potential tool for promoting brand transparency and accountability. That’s because blockchain, the digital technology that logs cryptocurrency transactions, acts as an unalterable ledger.… Continued
From Media Royalty, Career Advice for PR Pros in the Margins
June 27th, 2019 by Sophie Maerowitz“How many of you in the room have ever felt stuck at some point in your career?” At the opening session of the Public Relations Society of America’s Corporate Communications Conference in New York, dozens… Continued
Why Does a Woman CEO Need to Be a News Story?
June 13th, 2019 by Nicole SchumanThe battle for gender equality marches on, played out in one of the most public spaces, headline news. And it’s not just about how much coverage women are receiving versus men—whether in politics or business… Continued
The Troubled Woodstock 50 Festival is a Master Class in Bad Event PR
June 6th, 2019 by Justin JoffeThis past January, baby boomers and John Mayer-following millennial Deadheads alike rejoiced at the announcement that the 50th anniversary of the legendary Woodstock Music and Arts Festival would be celebrated with a concert in upstate… Continued

Pride Month: PR’s Work for LGBTQ Equality Is Never Over
May 30th, 2019 by Melissa HoffmannPride Month is not just a celebration of how much better things have gotten in a country that once treated LGBTQ people as social pariahs and where Don’t Ask Don’t Tell forced those who wished to serve their country to hide their identities. It’s also a reminder that we still have a long way to go to true equality. And PR needs to be at the forefront of those efforts.

Empowering Activists to Carry Your Message
May 17th, 2019 by Sophie MaerowitzMy off-hours are spent volunteering as an activist for New York City cyclist, pedestrian and public transit advocacy organization Transportation Alternatives (TransAlt). At the start, I figured it’d be the usual rabble-rousing stuff: showing up to… Continued
PR Tips for Alexa’s Human Listeners
April 12th, 2019 by Seth ArensteinNow we know. Amazon’s Alexa really is listening to our conversations. A Bloomberg exposé details that Amazon has an army of some thousand humans listening to tapes of what Alexa ‘hears’ inside homes around the world.… Continued
Wishing for a Valentine’s Day Gift for PR
February 14th, 2019 by Seth ArensteinSince it’s Valentine’s Day, it’s the right time to discuss what we love about PR and marketing. There’s plenty to say. We’re unsure if PR pros love their jobs, but we know they like them.… Continued
The Bottom Line on The Top Women in PR? Kick-Ass
January 28th, 2019 by Diane SchwartzThey make others look good and know never to apologize when they get the promotion or land the big new account. They are mentors and have unabashedly sought out sponsors. They know how to read… Continued
The Bottom Line on The Top Women in PR? Kick-Ass
January 28th, 2019 by Diane SchwartzThey make others look good and know never to apologize when they get the promotion or land the big new account. They are mentors and have unabashedly sought out sponsors. They know how to read… Continued
How the U.K. and U.S. Differ in Their Treatment of Influencers
January 24th, 2019 by Seth ArensteinAmericans sometimes look admiringly at the U.K. After all, Britain is the colonial power that gave birth to these United States. Brexit and football hooliganism aside, the Brits often are seen as more civilized than… Continued

Do This One Simple Thing Every Day for a Picture-Perfect PR Life
January 13th, 2019 by Diane SchwartzIt’s the quintessential image of Santorini, Greece, that of pristine colorful structures hugging the cliffs overlooking the azure blue Aegean Sea. For one small boutique hotel, keeping its exterior a perfect shade of white is… Continued
Authenticity is Key for Brands During the Government Shutdown
January 10th, 2019 by Seth ArensteinIt wasn’t too long ago when PR pros counseled brands against making overt forays into politics. ‘Stick to your knittin’, ‘stay in your lane’ or some other cliché was the standard response. It’s no longer… Continued
Top 10 Public Relations Trends for Those Paying Attention (Plus, One Call to Action)
December 3rd, 2018 by Diane SchwartzIt comes up in most conversations and lingers, unresolved: how can I find and then retain great talent? During a panel I moderated recently on the future of PR, this topic was discussed at length,… Continued
University of Maryland Backs into a Decent Crisis Solution
November 1st, 2018 by Seth ArensteinA sigh of relief emanated from College Park, Maryland, early on All Hallows’ Eve, when University of Maryland (UMD) president Wallace Loh announced his firing of head football coach DJ Durkin. It was one of… Continued
Here’s Where Communicators are Hoping to Invest More Resources
October 24th, 2018 by Diane SchwartzMoney can’t buy you love and it can’t buy you passionate employees, but it surely can buy you more resources. When posed with the question of “What would you do with a 15% increase in… Continued
USA Gymnastics’ Errors Form a Primer in Crisis Mismanagement
October 17th, 2018 by Seth ArensteinWith so many examples of how not to navigate crises in the news, you’d think more brands and organizations would know the basics of managing them. While many do, the outlier that fails to be transparent,… Continued
Poorly Written Blog Post Hides Google+ Data Breach
October 11th, 2018 by Seth ArensteinThat hissing sound you hear is the Edelman Trust Barometer dropping like a lead zeppelin. The main culprit this time is Google. Did you read its Oct. 8 blog post? In “Project Strobe: Protecting your data,… Continued
Is Amazon’s $15 Wage More Than Good PR?
October 3rd, 2018 by Seth ArensteinOn October 2, Amazon pledged to pay all U.S. workers $15 per hour beginning next month. All 250,000 Amazon employees and 100,000 seasonal staff will receive the higher wage, as will workers at Whole Foods.… Continued
Wells Fargo Still Struggling to Get It
September 27th, 2018 by Seth ArensteinComing up with a PR crisis management plan is not particularly difficult. The steps are well known: move promptly to accept responsibility (this might include someone losing her/his job) and be transparent about what occurred;… Continued
The PR Implications of Judge Kavanaugh’s Situation
September 17th, 2018 by Seth ArensteinNews broke this weekend when Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s heretofore-anonymous accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, came forward alleging Kavanaugh attempted to sexually assault her when the two were at a party in high… Continued

Trashy Thoughts for Clear-Minded Communicators
September 10th, 2018 by Diane SchwartzEvery day we throw something out, tossing it into the garbage or recycling bin without much thought. At home, we cart the trash can up to the curb (or have our kids do it) and… Continued

Stop Me If You’ve Heard This Story Before
July 30th, 2018 by Steve GoldsteinIf you listen to podcasts in which Hollywood actors and directors are interviewed you’ll often hear the statement, “I love telling stories.” It’s always about storytelling. It’s never about entertainment or making a beautiful dollar.… Continued
Ethics and PR Do Mix, But It’s Up to PR to Tell That Story
July 25th, 2018 by Seth ArensteinDuring the winter and summer holidays the PR department of a big pharma company sends employees a note about the company’s views on issues that might arise during conversations with friends and family at social gatherings. With… Continued

The Meat of the Story for Communicators in WeWork’s Bold Vegetarian Policy
July 23rd, 2018 by Diane Schwartz“First we eat, then we do everything else,” the preeminent American food writer M.F.K. Fisher once proclaimed. We can all agree that food is an important part of our lives. So when the CEO of… Continued

How Immigration Communications Is Part of Trump’s Rewritten PR Playbook
June 20th, 2018 by Seth ArensteinIt’s difficult to know what will become of the Trump administration’s immigration policy that includes separating children from their families at U.S. borders. It’s a moving story at the moment. As of this writing, it… Continued