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Harvey Weinstein court

Harvey Weinstein’s Attorney Bets PR Strategy Will Pay Dividends

February 18th, 2020 by

It can be a dirty business defending criminals. Whatever you might think of those who represent Harvey Weinstein in court, you have to admit his lead attorney, Donna Rotunno, is, for the most part, using earned media tactics well. Her PR goal seems to be building name recognition in anticipation of future #MeToo clients.

girl holding instagram like symbol

A Valentine to Brands: PRNEWS Team Names Campaigns We Love

February 14th, 2020 by

Brand love isn’t just for consumers. We at PRNEWS found campaigns to fawn over. Our team picked recent campaigns we loved most, delivered across various platforms. Here are the memorable messages that made us swoon on Valentine’s Day and every day.

girl being recorded

Measurement and Individualized Content Key to Influencer Growth

February 14th, 2020 by

In the debate over the effectiveness of influencer marketing, data from a strong measurement regime can provide solid evidence. Engagement and attribution are key metrics. The path to successful influencer content is found by creating posts that seem tailored to individual consumers, says Everywhere Agency CEO Danica Kombol.

Wuhan subway with masks

China’s Communications on Virus Illustrates Poor Crisis Response

February 13th, 2020 by

In this update to our first story about coronavirus and PR, we focus on the fallout over communications, or the lack thereof. Our first story included comments from PR pros insisting that transparency and fact-based communications are critical during a health crisis. At the start of the virus, China went in the opposite direction, clamping down on communication about the virus, giving the killer several weeks head start.

facebook ad cartoon

How to Craft Scroll-Stopping Facebook Ads

February 12th, 2020 by

Comments and likes don’t pay the bills. If they are all your Facebook ads are generating, it’s probably time for a change of approach. In order to tie your Facebook ads to business results, you must design captivating ads that get your prospects to stop mid-scroll. It’s not enough to understand the technical side of how to set ads up—a strategy for getting Facebook users to stop scrolling is crucial.


The Case for Cancelling the Phrase ‘We Missed the Mark’ in Apologies

February 11th, 2020 by

No matter the size of your company, mistakes happen, issues occur. Once there you have several options. You can own the situation, apologize heartily and announce a plan of action. Or you could say nothing and hope the situation remains a secret. Last, you could issue a weak apology and hope the whole thing blows over. PRNEWS Crisis and Measurement Summit speaker Bobby Amirshahi, SVP at Univision, explains the good, the bad and the ugly of crisis apologia.

Businesswoman addressing colleagues

Building PR Teams That Executives Will Trust and Adore

February 11th, 2020 by

Moving from being a brand communicator at Pfizer to an agency executive prompted Dean Mastrojohn to think about team building. He offers three lessons he learned from his years on the client side. The veteran communicator is using these lessons as he builds an integrated media team as part of his agency position.


Did the Oscars Deliver a Proper PR Response to Its Diversity Crisis?

February 10th, 2020 by

You may remember the backlash of #OscarsSoWhite after the 2015 nomination announcements. Many outraged directors, producers and actors, including Spike Lee and Jada Pinkett Smith, boycotted the awards in 2016. How did the 2020 Oscars do on diversity and inclusion? We take a crisis PR perspective to grade last night’s ceremony and the larger issue facing the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

women around business table

Lessons Earned: When a Smart Boss Teaches a Tough Lesson

February 7th, 2020 by

In this regular series with the Institute of Public Relations, veteran communicators relate lessons learned early in their careers that continue to help them. This installment features Shirley Powell, SVP, Cox Automotive, who received a great education from her first boss. One of his toughest lessons remains with Powell to this day.

An Easy, Step-by-Step Plan to Help Any Communicator Measure

February 6th, 2020 by

Most indications are that data and analytics are rising in importance in the world of PR and communications. Still there are some communicators who refuse to measure. If you find yourself trapped in a non-measurement culture, how can you change things? Measurement guru Katie Paine argues that testing assumptions via audience surveys is a simple route to take. But first, buy Starbucks, cookies and alcohol.