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Just Forget Facebook If You’re Trying to Reach Millennials

April 26th, 2019 by

It’s the generation that grew up with Facebook. But now, a survey of over a thousand Americans shows that the social platform that took over the internet at the turn of the millennium is losing its majority audience, predominately because of privacy concerns. So, where are millennials spending their screen time, and how are they buying?

Branding Lessons from Marvel Studios’ Mythology Marketing

April 25th, 2019 by

Marvel is far more than a brand of comics and films. It’s also a marketing juggernaut. Thing is, Marvel understands the “less is more” approach with its audience. Since it has identified distinct and overlapping segments for each film release, Marvel leaves breadcrumbs of suggestion, which are enough for hardcore fans to pick up the slack. This creates FOMO by withholding information and letting the earned media hype train build momentum with what is ostensibly service journalism.

How Big Pharma Can Start to Heal Its Reputation In the Opioid Epidemic

April 25th, 2019 by

The opioid epidemic has touched one in three Americans, a new survey from NPR and Ipsos shows. In addition, pharma’s narrative about its role in the epidemic has failed to resonate with a significant majority of the American public. What steps should industry communicators take to rehabilitate pharma’s reputation with the public? Crisis communications provides a possible option.

How to Do Video Like an SEO Expert

April 24th, 2019 by

By now, we all know the power of video in communications and delivering a brand message—particularly to younger audiences. You probably already know how to shoot video, edit it, do Facebook Live. But in a cluttered world of branding, do you know how to make sure your video content rises to the top through SEO?

Surefire Networking Tips from Five Industry Experts

April 24th, 2019 by

There are more anxiety-producing things than attending a networking event. Sometimes, though, it seems that list is short. On the other hand, networking works, according to five senior PR pros who shared their wisdom during a recent event in Dallas. Similar to most endeavors, it’s best to have a plan before you begin networking, the communicators said, and being yourself and following-up are musts.

Riding the IPO Wave: How to Maximize Pinterest Presence

April 23rd, 2019 by

The social media platform Pinterest went big time on April 18, announcing its initial public offering at the New York Stock Exchange. ‘PINS’ are now not only being traded between user boards, but investors as well. Pinterest serves as the fourth most popular platform for U.S. adults, only surpassed by Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

Branding Blasphemy: Lessons from Kanye’s Coachella #SundayService

April 23rd, 2019 by

Kanye West played an opportunistic set at Coachella 2019’s second weekend, held on Easter morning and branded #SundayService. Seeking to repair the problematic year he’s had alienating his audience, Ye’s set was largely received as rushed, opportunistic and appropriative. The overpriced merch didn’t help either. That said, communicators can learn from Kanye’s disastrous #SundayService, particularly about when branding is inappropriate and how poor visual storytelling can drastically hurt a brand’s reputation.

Topeka Zoo Shows Communications Savvy After Tiger Attack

April 22nd, 2019 by

The media often points to examples of large brands failing to observe crisis-response best practices. The incident at the Topeka Zoo on Saturday (April 20) showed a small nonprofit conducting crisis PR at very high levels. The Zoo not only communicated quickly and transparently, it did so with sensitivity. Some large brands and organizations should take note.

How Communicators Can Think Small and Make Big Changes

April 19th, 2019 by

Go big or go home does’t necessarily apply to innovation, says Scott Steinberg, author and business consultant. Armed with knowledge about their customers, communicators can advocate for brands to make small, tactical changes to products and services that can yield significant results. Steinberg discussed his ideas about thinking small to go big during PRNEWS’ Measurement Conference in Washington, DC.

How to Measure Relevance, Influence and Media Coverage

April 19th, 2019 by

One of the most difficult pieces for public relations professionals to measure is the return on investment of earned media and relevance. How much is the CEO’s picture worth on the cover of Wall Street Journal? Did that influencer wearing a brand’s jeans increase mentions on social? Is it about sales or leads or growing community? Or is it about sentiment and reputation? What goals should an organization shoot for?