Social Media & SEO

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How to Craft Scroll-Stopping Facebook Ads

February 12th, 2020 by

Comments and likes don’t pay the bills. If they are all your Facebook ads are generating, it’s probably time for a change of approach. In order to tie your Facebook ads to business results, you must design captivating ads that get your prospects to stop mid-scroll. It’s not enough to understand the technical side of how to set ads up—a strategy for getting Facebook users to stop scrolling is crucial.

The Key Role of PR in the Tap-on-the-Platform-of-Your-Choice Era

February 4th, 2020 by

A decade ago there were fewer than one billion social network users. Last month, that number was 5.2 billion. And their expectations and the number of platforms they use are rising. One expectation is that they can shop instantly from any piece of content. Hence, the rise of shoppable posts, blending e-commerce and content. PR has a large role to play in this trend.

Spring Ahead on Social: Social Media Updates for Communicators to Watch

February 4th, 2020 by

With the start of the year, social media platforms released features that should help communicators with planning for these tools. In addition, Facebook offered users a tool that allows them to see and delete data other companies have collected based on interactions with those brands. It’s far from certain how many users will use the tool.

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6 Tips for Attracting Influencers to Your Next Campaign

February 3rd, 2020 by

The hunt for the perfect influencer usually starts with seeking out those social media accounts that can increase reach, raise awareness, build engagement and drive business results (sales, donations, conversions, etc.) for your organization. This means pinpointing the influencers who stand out among billions of users; true digital denizens capable of adjusting to ever-changing social media platform algorithms. It also means attracting the right influencers to your brand, and ensuring they yield a strong return on investment.

Why You Need a Social Media Pause Button During a Crisis

January 28th, 2020 by

One of the complexities of PR crises is ensuring that, aside from crisis response, the company’s day-to-day work continues. Sometimes, though, normal work flow becomes the problem. For example, regularly scheduled social content posted during a crisis, or immediately after, can become a tone-deaf disaster. That’s why a social media pause button can help immensely.

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Facebook Cracks Down on ‘Deepfakes,’ Mirroring a Trend in User Preferences

January 24th, 2020 by

For several years, marketers and communicators have feared the damage done to the brands and public figures they represent via the propagation of “deepfakes,” videos and photos that use the assistance of machine learning technology to replace faces and objects with false, but realistic, images. As fake news and misinformation continue to plague online discourse, Facebook says it has taken a significant step to deter the spread of doctored video and photos.

A Comforting Thought: Influencers Might be Recession-Proof

January 21st, 2020 by

We’ve never experienced an economic recession in a heavily connected world. It might look very different from earlier downturns. And it might turn out that influencers, who can provide relatively low-cost content that connects authentically with audiences, will be an asset during a recession, argues Kaitlyn Hieb, a strategist at R/GA, a consultancy.

A Look at PR/Communications in 2030 and How to Prepare for It

January 17th, 2020 by

Plenty of PR pros have made predictions for the year ahead. We go farther. As we embark into a new decade of opportunities, what will PR look like in 2030? A trio of brave PR prognosticators looks 10 years hence. In spite of huge technological change, at least one PR pro sees relationships maintaining their importance in 2030.

Page Chair Eyes New Skills for CCO’s Transformational Role

January 15th, 2020 by

With PR increasingly becoming a strategic asset to business, CMOs and their teams need to augment their skillset to keep pace with the newest trends and technologies, Page’s new chair Charlene Wheeless argues. During an interview with PRNEWS prior to starting her tenure, Wheeless said she envisions “a powerful new opportunity for CCOs to be relevant, central leaders in transformation.” Page will respond with new skills and leadership training, she said.

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What’s the Ideal Length of a Tweet?

January 14th, 2020 by

Sure, Twitter has a relatively new 280-character limit. But just because Twitter doubled its 140-character limit doesn’t mean you should use all of them. So what’s the ideal length of a tweet? A hashtag? How else can you make your tweets more readable and engaging? Let’s look at the research.