Social Media & SEO

nextdoor app on phone

Nextdoor Users Surge, Show Promise for Social Media Communications Amid COVID Crisis

March 20th, 2020 by

Logging into Nextdoor during the crisis, one senses a return to a more innocent time in social media history, when users took to Facebook, LiveJournal or Angie’s List to post their thoughts and feelings openly, exchange information about local contractors and services or ask for help from a small group of peers. This is in stark contrast to an online environment where brands and individual users are often concerned more with building their audiences, winning engagement or creating an idealized, but ultimately false online persona.

kids reading in a line

Tips on Doing Good from Authors During COVID-19

March 19th, 2020 by

As many others are doing, members of the book industry have stepped up during the coronavirus crisis. Here are examples of how authors are working with PR pros to offer solace to a variety of groups during these difficult times.

Joe biden

PR Lessons from The Biden Campaign’s Turnaround

March 11th, 2020 by

Joe Biden’s campaign was all but dead just weeks ago. Today he’s the frontrunner for a chance to unseat the president. Working with few resources and little infrastructure in Super Tuesday states, Biden communicators honed their messages and turned to garden-variety earned media and social media. It worked.

Brian Fanzo_ssu_how to webinar

5 Skills Social Media Marketers Need in 2020

March 5th, 2020 by

In the ever-evolving world of digital, there’s little doubt that social media professionals should stay on top of algorithm changes, new social apps and shifts in user behavior and appetite. As Social Shake-Up 2020 host Brian Fanzo, CEO of iSocialFanz puts it, “I wish there was a pause button for every new social media app. But there isn’t one, so we have to focus our goals on how to address that.”

Super Tuesday button

Super Tuesday Candidates Exhibit Diverse Social Media Strategies

March 3rd, 2020 by

If anything, the remaining candidates are throwing everything they’ve got into this Super Tuesday, igniting digital strategies from all corners of the democratic universe. You’d be hard pressed not to open Instagram or Facebook and yes, even Twitter, without seeing some sort of political trend, video or paid advertisement. We took a look at the diverse social media strategies each candidate harnesses. Some feel forced, while others emerged organically, completely separate from the official campaign team. Will they make a difference on Super Tuesday?

Consumer Engagement on Social for Nonprofits Rises 4% for 2020; PETA Dominates Field

March 1st, 2020 by

Our regular look at data features exclusive figures from Shareablee about the most-active nonprofits for the first months of 2020. Overall, nonprofits enjoyed a slight jump in consumer engagement with their social posts, though engagement was off on Instagram and Twitter.


8 Tips to Increase Consumer Engagement on Social Media

February 27th, 2020 by

Social media impressions is not the number of people that your post impressed. This, in part, is why social media is outgrowing its reliance on impressions as the sole metric for success. Consumer engagement (likes, shares, retweets and comments) has become the top priority. Here are eight easy tips communicators and marketers can use to bolster consumer engagement on social.

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5 Tactics for Taming the Content Beast

February 20th, 2020 by

Whether you’re crafting social media posts, blogs or website content, it’s not easy to feed the dreaded content beast. This most inhospitable of creatures is sure to bite your hand when it’s hungry. And that’s 24/7. To calm this animal, spend time to make your written and visual efforts shine—even if that means producing less content at the outset. In addition, use that great content in various ways and on different platforms to fulfill the beast’s voracious appetite.

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A Valentine to Brands: PRNEWS Team Names Campaigns We Love

February 14th, 2020 by

Brand love isn’t just for consumers. We at PRNEWS found campaigns to fawn over. Our team picked recent campaigns we loved most, delivered across various platforms. Here are the memorable messages that made us swoon on Valentine’s Day and every day.

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Measurement and Individualized Content Key to Influencer Growth

February 14th, 2020 by

In the debate over the effectiveness of influencer marketing, data from a strong measurement regime can provide solid evidence. Engagement and attribution are key metrics. The path to successful influencer content is found by creating posts that seem tailored to individual consumers, says Everywhere Agency CEO Danica Kombol.