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What’s in Your Digital Go-Bag? Five Essentials for Communicators

May 1st, 2019 by

Communicators know it can be difficult to manage a crisis. What about if you’re asked to handle a crisis when the power is down, or you can’t access the Internet or your phone? Better have a digital go-bag ready. Though Adam Probolsky has made preparations for a zombie apocalypse, he also has suggestions for what communicators should pack in their digital go-bags to handle more mundane crises.

Diverse Sources May Help Bolster Media Revenue

April 30th, 2019 by

Diversity is both good to do and good for business. That concept should apply to media in its use of sources. Unfortunately, data show media sourcing in western media favoring men 3 to 1 over women. Preliminary findings indicate media with a more representative source base may reap financial and other benefits. PR pros can help media by curating and promoting a diverse source base.

How Community Engagement Can Calm a Crisis

April 30th, 2019 by

When you don’t check the pulse of your surrounding community, you risk losing media opportunities and relationship-building moments that could drive more customers to your brand. And when a crisis arises, community engagement can make or break you.

First Person: Erin Flior, Head of Digital Comms for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

April 30th, 2019 by

In this regular feature, PR News asks movers and shakers in the industry to share a little bit of their personal history and personality through answering a series of 10 questions.

Burger King’s Impossible Feat: Determining an Audience Strategy

April 29th, 2019 by

Burger King did a lot of things right in the Impossible Whopper rollout. Audience testing and the role of data played a large part in their decision. Surprisingly, Burger King did not look to coerce vegetarians with this burger. Sometimes the most obvious audience is not the correct audience.

The Distance Between “No” and “Yes” in PR

April 26th, 2019 by

You spend hours crafting the perfect story concept to pitch a client, researching the reporter or producer most likely to be receptive to your client’s work, then more time still waiting on a response from the media. Even when you get the “yes” you want, it doesn’t mean your story will be published or aired immediately, or that there aren’t additional hurdles to climb. It simply means you are much closer than when you started. So what is the distance between a “no” and a “yes” in PR?

Just Forget Facebook If You’re Trying to Reach Millennials

April 26th, 2019 by

It’s the generation that grew up with Facebook. But now, a survey of over a thousand Americans shows that the social platform that took over the internet at the turn of the millennium is losing its majority audience, predominately because of privacy concerns. So, where are millennials spending their screen time, and how are they buying?

Branding Lessons from Marvel Studios’ Mythology Marketing

April 25th, 2019 by

Marvel is far more than a brand of comics and films. It’s also a marketing juggernaut. Thing is, Marvel understands the “less is more” approach with its audience. Since it has identified distinct and overlapping segments for each film release, Marvel leaves breadcrumbs of suggestion, which are enough for hardcore fans to pick up the slack. This creates FOMO by withholding information and letting the earned media hype train build momentum with what is ostensibly service journalism.

How Big Pharma Can Start to Heal Its Reputation In the Opioid Epidemic

April 25th, 2019 by

The opioid epidemic has touched one in three Americans, a new survey from NPR and Ipsos shows. In addition, pharma’s narrative about its role in the epidemic has failed to resonate with a significant majority of the American public. What steps should industry communicators take to rehabilitate pharma’s reputation with the public? Crisis communications provides a possible option.

How to Do Video Like an SEO Expert

April 24th, 2019 by

By now, we all know the power of video in communications and delivering a brand message—particularly to younger audiences. You probably already know how to shoot video, edit it, do Facebook Live. But in a cluttered world of branding, do you know how to make sure your video content rises to the top through SEO?