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Inspired by Glassdoor’s Top CEOs of 2019 list, we decided to review the top CEOs at the largest PR agencies across the world. Utilizing the PRovoke 2019 Agency Rankings, as well as Glassdoor’s CEO and employee approval ratings, we found a dynamic list of communications leaders, working with some of the world’s top projects and talent.
The Super Bowl initiates a two-week festival of interviews, practices and storytelling through multiple platforms. Those certainly include mobile and social media, and brands have noticed. It's now expected that brands will tease Super Bowl campaigns—not just through TV ads, but extensively on social media.
Joseph Baker opened his PR firm in 1934 in NY. At the time, depending on where he was, Baker, a black man, might not have been able to vote, enter a restaurant or use public restrooms. When the firm closed some 40 years later, Baker had all those rights and more. Through his position as the first African-American owner of a PR firm, he became a key liaison between the black community and corporate America.
CES 2020 is in the books, but its implications will spread throughout the year. That will be the case for communicators, who saw plenty of opportunities to help new-age tech explain itself to the public. One of the big takeaways, and one likely to provide lots of work for communicators, is that technology has broken out and will be foundational to life, several communicators say.
Ethics has long been a hallmark of public relations. In this fourth and final installment of PRNEWS' 2020 predictions, the theme of ethics seemed to dominate. Whether it be in technology, storytelling or writing, several of our prognosticators emphasized ethics' importance in the coming year.
In this third set of 2020 predictions, communicators anticipate strong demand for mergers and acquisitions of PR firms, a rise in personalized stories and PR pros increasing their use of sophisticated data as audiences become more difficult to reach. Other predictions include a fierce response from healthcare to political criticism and an increase in relationships with non-traditional media outlets.
As is our tradition, in late November PRNEWS asked senior communicators to prognosticate about the coming year. This is the first installment of a multi-part series containing their predictions for 2020. In this first installment, one of the dominant themes was the importance of personalization in various aspects of PR. We'll run subsequent parts of this series throughout this week.
Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg is no longer atop the world's largest aircraft maker. That he survived this long offers hope to those who believe that crisis can be overcome by ignoring it. Or by insisting for as long as you can that your brand is not to blame. Communicators can add Muilenberg's name as proof that those tactics usually don't work for very long.