Crisis Management


Bias and Accountability in the NYPD’s Firing of Daniel Pantaleo

August 20th, 2019 by

NYPD commissioner James O’Neill crafted a well-written statement announcing the firing of Officer Daniel Pantaleo earlier this week. In a highly volatile situation, sometimes the best a communicator can do is stake out a position that she or he believes is correct, issue a statement and brace for incoming attacks.

Lessons for PR Pros From Denali National Park’s Crisis Comms for Stranded Visitors

August 19th, 2019 by

Whether it be flight delays, shark sightings, wildfires or mudslides, tourism public relations pros should hope for the best, but always prepare for the worst, especially in the summer during peak vacation time. Denali National Park showed preparedness, and a quick resolution of a scary situation, which many organizations would be right to mirror. These takeaways can help guide your brand through the worst crisis.

How to Communicate Financial Calm Amid Talk of a Recession

August 15th, 2019 by

This past Wednesday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average stock market index hit its lowest point in 2019. Many critics pointed to President Trump’s decision to tie his performance to the markets and start a trade war with China, while economists worried about something called the inverted yield curve, which can point to an imminent recession. For communicators in either the financial sector, or those speaking to an organization’s finances, this panic yields many opportunities to practice educational, non-siloed PR. Here are a few things to focus on.

Lessons in Timely and Tactful Response from the Newark Water Crisis

August 13th, 2019 by

The Newark water crisis, like its sister tragedy in Flint, Michigan, has proven to be an insurmountable PR challenge for local government. More than 100 of the 240 water samples derived from the city of Newark this year contained federally unacceptable levels of lead, leaving impacted occupants of the city panicked for clean water. As families grow thirstier for an explanation behind the chaos, they have started to believe legal action may be the only way to motivate local government. 

Monsanto’s ‘Fusion Center’ Shows Proactive Crisis Prep Can Go Too Far

August 12th, 2019 by

Monsanto’s targeting of  journalist Carey Gillam grants PR professionals a revelatory look at just how far the agrochemical giant was willing to go to silence its critics. For communicators, many of the tactics used against Gillam look familiar. In this case, though, they were weaponized in the interest of spinning factual reporting. Here’s what we learned.

Can Equinox and SoulCycle Recover From a Brand Values Disconnect?

August 8th, 2019 by

We live in an era with unparalleled access to information. Anyone can search for a name for a background check on a person’s work, family or interests. Every company should continue to vet investors and senior management on an annual basis, especially during sensitive political times.

Webinar Recap: 10 Crisis Tips to Keep You Cool in the Hot Seat

August 8th, 2019 by

Despite the fact that these frequent crises could have been mitigated early on, even a small team can take on a seemingly insurmountable catastrophe with the right preparation. To help your team understand what conversations need to be happening, PRNEWS asked three crisis experts from the b2b, nonprofit, and brand sectors how they make they approach crisis prep in their fields.

Audi Fails to Recover Trust in Second Emissions Crisis for Volkswagen

August 1st, 2019 by

Four years ago, Volkswagen received extensive punishment for lying about noxious levels of their diesel vehicles’ emissions. The company is back in the news as German prosecutors charged Rupert Stadler, former chief executive of Audi, the luxury arm of VW, with fraud for his role in another emissions cheating scandal.

Capital One’s Data Breach Highlights the Power of Prompt Communication

July 30th, 2019 by

Data breaches are happening at an alarming rate. They’re almost a fact of corporate life. As such, it’s critical that communicators be ready to communicate around a cyber crime incident. Capital One is the latest large brand to experience a mammoth data breach. Fortunately, the bank moved quickly to communicate and the hacker advertised her dubious accomplishment, which led to her arrest.

Boeing: Unhealthy Leadership Leads to Crisis Mismanagement

July 25th, 2019 by

[Editor’s Note: This post describes two crises, both of which resulted in fatalities. In only one case, were jobs lost as a result.] At Flowery Branch, GA, about one hour’s drive from Atlanta, DJ Durkin… Continued