Social Media & SEO


PR Takeaways From Twitter’s #BrandBowl53

February 4th, 2019 by

Twitter’s marketing department got in on the fun this year, too, launching a hashtag—#BrandBowl53—and announcing the commercials that garnered the most engagement on its platform early Monday. The results of this case study demonstrate many different paths to success on the platform. Here are the grand prize winners of #BrandBowl53, and what those campaigns can teach communicators.

social media manager, juggling many tasks

Sneak Peek: A Day in the Life of a Social Media Manager

January 31st, 2019 by

Knowing how other brands approach the social media management role can be helpful in deciding what should or should not be part of your social media manager’s responsibilities, whether you’re hiring for a new social guru or evolving the role as it currently exists in your company. PR News checked in with three social media leaders at three very different organizations about their daily goals, tasks and schedule.

Facebook Forecast: A Year of Merging Products and Repairing Trust With End-Users

January 30th, 2019 by

Ahead of its Q4 earnings call (after markets close on Wednesday, January 30), Facebook seems to be making more news than ever. Communicators will do well to keep abreast of these announcements, as they signal a greater push toward repairing user trust on the platform.

Tips for Beginning a Risk-Benefit Analysis of Influencers

January 30th, 2019 by

Influencers can be a boon to brands and organizations. They help attract a youthful demographic and provide third-party credibility and authenticity to a company’s narrative. With all these positives, companies can overlook proper vetting of influencers. 5WPR chief Ronn Torossian provides tips on what to look for in an influencer relationship.

How PR Pros Can Leverage Reddit

January 29th, 2019 by

Injecting Reddit into a communications plan may seem like a death wish. Why would any company jump onto a platform notorious for embodying the worst of social media? And yet, it may well be time to wake up and take notice. According to Alexa, users spend more minutes per day on Reddit than any of the other top fifty sites.

Lessons from Apple’s Reaction to the FaceTime Bug

January 29th, 2019 by

It’s a constant question facing communicators and the brands and organizations that employ them: When do you react to a situation and when is it best to say nothing or almost nothing? Apple is remaining relatively silent about its FaceTime bug, though it quickly acknowledged the situation and disabled Group FaceTime. Was this the right way to go?

Why Risk-Taking is the Content Strategy Brands Need

January 25th, 2019 by

There are myriad ways brands can deliver key messages to target audiences. Yet some brands insist on taking a cookie-cutter approach to content creation. Just as the press release is evolving slowly with the addition of immersive material, branded content producers will need to take risks to earn audience engagement.

How the U.K. and U.S. Differ in Their Treatment of Influencers

January 24th, 2019 by

Americans sometimes look admiringly at their more civil British cousins. More civilized isn’t quite how we’d describe the penalties Britain’s Competition and Markets Authority brandished in the direction of celebrity influencers the other day. The U.S. and its Federal Trade Commission seem far more civilized in their treatment of influencers.

How the U.K. and U.S. Differ in Their Treatment of Influencers

January 24th, 2019 by

Americans sometimes look admiringly at the U.K. After all, Britain is the colonial power that gave birth to these United States. Brexit and football hooliganism aside, the Brits often are seen as more civilized than… Continued

Facebook’s Latest Attack on Fake News Comes to Pages

January 24th, 2019 by

If you’re a Page manager for your brand, and you’ve got a new tab to the right of “Insights” on your dashboard, you’re in trouble. Facebook’s new “Page Quality” tab will appear “when we remove certain content that goes against our Community Standards and when we reduce the distribution of posts that have been rated false by a third-party fact-checker,” the social giant said in a news release. Additionally, the network updated its recidivism policy to combat the practice of users creating duplicate pages to continue to promote banned content.