

Why PR Pros Need to Keep Learning and How to Do So

October 17th, 2016 by

The diversity of knowledge needed in our profession continues to expand. We’re strategic advisors as well as communicators. As such, I’m seeing a greater need for continued learning. When I was in journalism school, I was required to take one marketing class. That’s right, one. Not that regression analysis is part of my day-to-day, but that class gives me more insight now than it did then. Communications is a business. A strong business education is critical to success.

How to Energize Your Organization’s YouTube Channel Without a Hollywood Budget

October 17th, 2016 by

Without Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump appearing in your brand’s YouTube video, and lacking the professionals and budgets of the major broadcast, cable and Spanish-language networks, does your brand’s video stand a chance? Indubitably so, communicators tell us. In this first of this two-part series we’ll concentrate on bolstering your YouTube content; part II, in a future edition, will focus on measurement and analytics.

Twitter’s ‘Explore’ to Enhance Its Status as Hub of Real-Time Event Coverage

October 14th, 2016 by

As the company tries to focus on everything live—from streaming on Periscope to following breaking news and events—savvy users will notice a blending of old and new in the new feature. Explore takes two tools Twitter created for compiling essentially separate conversations and blends them together. Long-time Twitter users will see pieces of the now defunct “Discover” feature—suggested account and trending topics—coexisting alongside Moments’ signature highlights.

Speaking From Experience: Media Training Tips You Probably Never Learned in School

October 14th, 2016 by

As a former reporter and editor at New York City newspapers and wire services, when I crossed the Rubicon and joined a PR firm as newspapers failed, I disagreed with how agency clients were prepared for interviews by media trainers.


3 Ways Samsung’s Putting Out Fires With Its Customers

October 13th, 2016 by

Samsung officially stopped production on its Galaxy Note7 smartphones on Oct. 11, following an earlier recall of the product and months of increasing scrutiny from the media, its customers and investors for a malfunction that caused the phones to dangerously overheat. Here are three ways the electronics giant has executed its crisis messaging amidst the allegations facing it.

4 Bob Dylan Lines That Teach Us How to Say a Lot With Few Words

October 13th, 2016 by

In PR, it’s crucial to get a point across without writing a sprawling essay; in this way, we can all learn from Dylan. Though he wrote many a long-winded song, he also had a way with a pithy one-liner that sticks with people. These are lines that could serve as epigrams to novels and slogans on protest signs—and 50 bucks says that all of the below have been tattooed on somebody at some point.

The 3 Questions That Will Help Create SEO-Friendly Content

October 12th, 2016 by

Today’s SEO is a complex stew of content, links, site performance, user experience and a bunch of other variables pushed to perform in a wide array of environments. But for all the considerations that go into developing a successful SEO strategy, it’s important to remember that the driving force behind SEO is people. At its core, SEO is just a machine that’s trying to keep up with humans’ search expectations by monitoring and emulating their behaviors. Keywords are one of the ways that search engines do this.

Why the Snapchat Story Playlist Could Be Trouble for Brands (and How to Fight Back)

October 12th, 2016 by

In the new update being rolled out, auto advance is no more. Users will be returned to the story list, unless they use the new story playlist feature, tapping the thumbnail image of each story they want to view and then seeing all of those stories in order.

Whom You Pitch to Is More Important Than What You Pitch

October 11th, 2016 by

In a recent article in PR News Pro, pitching expert Michael Smart writes, “When I’m asked to review pitches, anxious clients generally start by inquiring about their subject line, their opening sentence, or their call to action. But there’s a factor that has way more influence on the likelihood of success than the language and phrasing of the actual pitch. That factor is what I call Message-to-Influencer Match. And that’s why the first thing I ask about when looking at any pitch is: Who is the target, and why?”

google, analytics

4 Ways the Latest Google Analytics Update Speeds Up Reporting

October 11th, 2016 by

Good news for the communicator who relies heavily on metrics, but is often short on time: Google has announced an update that’s designed to make the Google Analytics interface a lot simpler to navigate. Here are the key features that may make it easier for you to respond to requests for metrics in record time.