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Communicating to Children About Coronavirus

April 2nd, 2020 by

Brands catering to families and especially children need to remember to tweak their normal methods of communication, particularly for a time of crisis.

Architect Engineer Design Working

Four Ways Communicators Can Add Value During Coronavirus

March 31st, 2020 by

You’ve created your coronavirus messaging plan and advised executives to communicate authentically, transparently and from the heart. Your job is far from over, though. Perhaps the most important thing a communicator can do at this time is to be available and make plans for the day when the coronavirus ebbs.

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COVID-19 on Social Media: A Duo of Brand Triumphs and Misses

March 30th, 2020 by

While social media influencers and celebrities have had some cringeworthy moments in recent weeks, brand entities as a whole seem to be starting to find their footing, putting out more nuanced messaging and recalibrating their responses when they don’t land as intended. Here’s a look at a health care organization and two name-brands that made waves on social around COVID in recent days.

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Podcast Launches in the Time of Coronavirus

March 30th, 2020 by

This is a time when the public likely won’t mind over-communication as people clamor to learn everything they can to protect themselves and their families. And while every organization has its preferred method of distributing information to its audience, some are turning to podcasts for more comprehensive discussions around necessary information.

businesswoman wearing a cape

5 Tips for Communications Leaders During the Pandemic

March 27th, 2020 by

The pandemic has thrown many of us into a frenzy. Now is the time for PR leaders to proceed with calm and rely on principles and tactics that have served you well throughout the years. Moving forward, creativity, transparency and management skills will be in demand.

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For Some Brands, COVID-19 Response Carries Spirit of Previous CSR Efforts

March 27th, 2020 by

As PRNEWS catalogs the good works and clever messaging out there, we wanted to highlight some of the groups that have a track record of giving back.

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Tips for Communicating Layoffs During The Pandemic

March 27th, 2020 by

With economic activity drastically reduced, businesses are laying off, furloughing or cutting salaries of workers. We’ve assembled a collection of tips and tactics to help communicate these actions during this especially difficult and uncertain time.

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Roundup: COVID Social Media Updates for Communicators to Watch

March 26th, 2020 by

Social media communicators require tools to ensure audiences are connected, supported, entertained and—perhaps most crucial amid the pandemic—receiving truthful, accurate health information. To meet these challenges, the major platforms have unrolled a number of features and hubs for COVID-related content. Here is a collection of what they’ve done pertinent to professional communicators and use cases for each platform’s offerings.

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WEBINAR RECAP: COVID-19 Beginning to Reshape PR and Communications

March 26th, 2020 by

In just days, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to shifts in the way communications is practiced across all industries and sectors, including not just traditional brand messaging, but how employers are disbursing important information to staff and governments to constituencies. Senior comms professionals gathered virtually on March 25 to discuss PR in these unprecedented times during a PRNEWS webinar, Communicating about COVID-19 — Navigating a New and Uncertain Crisis. 

Coca Cola

How Brands are Employing Creative COVID-19 Messaging

March 25th, 2020 by

[Editor’s note: In addition to some brands, organizations and individuals doling out acts of kindness (check here for that particular dose of positivity), several are changing their messaging to reflect the new reality. Below is… Continued