

Instagram, Now Bigger Than Twitter, Introduces ‘Carousel Ad’ Feature

March 5th, 2015 by

How can your brand or organization get a piece of the action on Instagram, the world’s fastest growing social network? On Wednesday, the company announced the introduction of “carousel ads,” which expand on the network’s sponsored posts.

PR Insider: Driving Influence With Earned Media Relations

March 5th, 2015 by

While digital has provided challenges and opportunities for brands, one constant remains: Earned media is alive and well – and driving influence one story at a time.

5 Tips for Using Snapchat from 16 Handles

March 4th, 2015 by

Nearly 20 percent of all social media users in the U.S. are on Snapchat and, according to The Wall Street Journal, the service currently processes nearly half a billion snaps per day. If you’re a brand who wants to engage on Snapchat but don’t quite know where to start, here are some tips for getting off the ground.

4 Reasons Why E!’s ‘Royals’ Video Went Viral

March 3rd, 2015 by

PR News analyzed a recent video that passes the viral test, which we determined today to mean any video that got more than a million views on YouTube in fewer than four days. Just our luck: E’s “Crazy Buckingham Palace naked man video!!!” fits the bill.

Do’s and Don’ts for Engaging with Media on Twitter

March 3rd, 2015 by

To capitalize on a new video embed Twitter just rolled out, PR pros first need to know their way around the microblogging service.

PR Insider: What Communicators Need to Know About Google+ Changes

March 2nd, 2015 by

Recent changes to Google+ focus on the most successful elements of its network, to develop and evolve them further, streamlining the product and increasing overall impact.

‘I Think I Can’t, I Think I Can’t’: A New Train of Thought

March 2nd, 2015 by

The story about the little engine that could is a familiar and heart-warming one, a tale of a determined underdog fulfilling a difficult task against all odds. “I think I can, I think I can” is a commonly used refrain at challenging moments. Sometimes, though, we might be stronger to think we can’t.  To admit, […]

‘I Think I Can’t, I Think I Can’t’: A New Train of Thought

March 2nd, 2015 by

The story about the little engine that could is a familiar and heart-warming one, a tale of a determined underdog fulfilling a difficult task against all odds. “I think I can, I think I can”… Continued

‘I Think I Can’t, I Think I Can’t’: A New Train of Thought

March 2nd, 2015 by

The story about the little engine that could is a familiar and heart-warming one, a tale of a determined underdog fulfilling a difficult task against all odds. “I think I can, I think I can” is a commonly used refrain at challenging moments. Sometimes, though, we might be stronger to think we can’t.  To admit, … Continued

Time for a Closer Look at Your Content

March 2nd, 2015 by

When brands slice and dice their information into snackable and visual content they boost the odds that consumers will pay closer attention to the message. The challenge is when to distribute the content.