Stories by Serena Ehrlich


12 Ways Brands Can Use Snapchat’s Memories to Mix New and Existing Content

July 14th, 2016 by

At its initial launch, Snapchat touted the disappearance of uploaded user content as a core feature of the service. Yet this format was never really conducive to brands and advertisers that wanted to reach these audiences, but rarely had on-the-spot imagery to share. Snapchat’s recently launched Memories feature changes that scenario drastically.

PR Insider: What Communicators Need to Know About Google+ Changes

March 2nd, 2015 by

Recent changes to Google+ focus on the most successful elements of its network, to develop and evolve them further, streamlining the product and increasing overall impact.

William Mills Increases Awareness with Content Distribution

October 15th, 2014 by

Many of today’s communication firms are moving to include content creation and marketing because they realize content distribution is driving results.

PR Insider: 7 Types of Content Reporters Want in a Press Release

September 5th, 2014 by

The Business Wire 2014 media survey asked reporters what types of news they want to see in a press release. Here are the 7 types of content reporters want to see.