

The Most Important Lesson You Probably Never Learned in Communications School

February 15th, 2017 by

No doubt you learned the essential aspects of PR as a student in communications school. But let’s face it. You could have purchased PR textbooks and learned some of the same fundamentals, less the tuition costs. You probably learned how to craft a program, the importance of strategies, tactics and objectives. Also, what your professors said was the correct method of pitching a story. There is, however, one critical facet of PR that you probably never learned in the classroom.

Don’t Fall for These Top Lies About Social Customer Care

February 15th, 2017 by

Social media has become more than another brand marketing platform. For consumers, it has created a front door to directly communicate with organizations and seek support in a timely manner. Nonetheless, it’s clear that many brands have yet to grasp the importance of customer support on social media and what a critical part it plays in overall brand marketing. So let’s debunk the top three myths about social customer care and see how brands can best benefit from having a robust plan.

Integration of Corporate Functions Remains Elusive—and That’s Where PR Comes In

February 14th, 2017 by

It certainly takes a village to run a company, small, medium or large. Yet the landscape is filled with brands where one part of a company doesn’t seem to know what the other parts are doing. Ditto the lack of communication between business units. In an era of social media, this lack of coordination between business units can be devastating. Communicators should be leading the charge for integration.

Integration of Corporate Functions Remains Elusive—and That’s Where PR Comes In

February 14th, 2017 by

“No man is an island entire of itself…” John Donne wrote in 1624. Ah, but get that man, or woman, to work and he or she can be positively insular. Large, public companies, midsize firms and… Continued

A Social Media Checklist for Your Crisis Communications Plan

February 14th, 2017 by

In times of stress, one’s judgment is impaired, no matter how cool the head might seem. This holds true for both individuals and organizations in crisis mode, and the temptation to act out on social media can be too great for some. The best defense is a smart, succinct crisis plan that can be shared throughout an organization.

4 Lessons From the Biggest Brands on Facebook

February 14th, 2017 by

It can’t hurt to learn from the best, right? We imagine that’s what the team behind Quintly, a professional social media analytics platform, was thinking when they analyzed the habits of the 30 biggest companies on Facebook. The study revealed interesting trends about content, fans and engagement on the Facebook pages of major brands like WhatsApp, Starbucks and Nike.
Here are some major takeaways to help other brands make the most of their Facebook presence.

Win Your Reporter’s Heart With Arrows This Valentine’s Day

February 13th, 2017 by

Treating your professional relationships similar to your personal ones can be beneficial. Here are five tips that will help communicators begin and maintain relationships with reporters.

nike, equality, ad, lebron james

Nike’s ‘Equality’ Campaign: Before, During and After the Grammys

February 13th, 2017 by

During the the 2017 Grammy Awards ceremony, Nike premiered its star-studded “Equality” ad, part of its newest campaign calling for racial and social equality on and off the court. Nike made its campaign as much a part of the conversation leading up to the Grammys as whether Adele or Beyoncé would sweep their respective categories. So how did Nike, a shoe brand, make sure that it shone nearly as bright as Beyoncé’s golden goddess costume during the festivities? Here’s a look at Nike’s strategic execution of the “Equality” campaign leading up to, during and following the Grammy ceremony.

Instagram Insight for a Small Team: Find Three Photo Styles That Engage Your Audience

February 13th, 2017 by

You might think a small or a 1-person communications department would be unable to make use of Instagram to humanize its brand and raise awareness. Wrong, a pair of communicators who make use of user-generated content say. Here’s how they do it.

How Cisco Harnesses Employee Voices to Tell Its Snapchat Story

February 13th, 2017 by

How Cisco found social media ambassadors among its employees and empowered them to tell its story on Snapchat. The author argues that allowing employees to be authentic will pay large dividends.