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How to Target Your Content to Every Demographic [INFOGRAPHIC]

December 20th, 2018 by

At some point, perhaps soon, companies will use AI to gather data about target audiences and even create content that best suits their needs. Until that time, it falls to communicators and marketers to use available data to paint a portrait of target audiences and how they prefer to receive content. This infographic provides basic profiles of various demographic units and their content preferences.

top women in pr

PR News to Celebrate Top Women in PR January 25 in NYC

December 20th, 2018 by

PR News’ 2019 Top Women in PR will be celebrated at a luncheon ceremony on Jan. 25 at the Grand Hyatt in New York City. Winners were judged based on their campaign objectives, successes and ROI over the last year, as well as their overall influence within their organizations and the PR profession at large.

It’s No Joke: How Improv Helps with Media Training

December 19th, 2018 by

Improvisation often is associated with comedy. Yet several PR firms find it useful to use improv tactics as part of their media training effort. Since media interviews share many characteristics with improv performances, it makes sense. Improv exercises help build confidence, encourage quick thinking and improve listening skills, making it ideal for media training.

How Should Brands Handle Influencers Posting Fake Sponsored Content?

December 19th, 2018 by

Brands are still learning how to assess positives and risks when working with influencers. In light of this report, however, new questions emerge: How do brands protect themselves by properly vetting influencers, and what do they do when someone is falsely posing as a legitimate brand influencer?

PR Takeaways from NAACP’s Facebook Boycott

December 18th, 2018 by

“Our decision to return the donation to Facebook and logging out of the platform for a week is part of a strategy to bring attention to Facebook ‘s failures in protecting the integrity of both our privacy and our vote,” NAACP’s Aba Blankson told PR News.

Data Dive: Data Terms PR Pros Need to Know

December 18th, 2018 by

Whatever your situation, consistently learning the ins and outs of data and applying them to your work can be tricky. As measurement gradually becomes a larger part of PR, there is a whole slew of terminology you may be expected to know, and it may rightfully feel intimidating. Here are three data terms you need to know and how they apply to the communications field.

Demand Rises for Insights from Communications Measurement

December 18th, 2018 by

As the year ends and numerous recaps of trends are discussed, a rise in the esteem of and necessity for communications measurement may be under-appreciated. A new survey from PR News and PublicRelay, a media monitoring and analytics firm, provides evidence. An overwhelming majority of communicators say upper management is asking for more data-backed decisions, the survey says.

Common Myths You May Believe About LinkedIn, Debunked

December 17th, 2018 by

Although many brands have already made the shift to marketing and communicating on LinkedIn, some may be hesitant to jump into building a presence on LinkedIn because of preconceived notions about the platform and what kind of content it should contain. The good news is, a lot of those notions are likely wrong and should no longer hold you back.

prada blackface figures

5 Communications Takeaways From Prada’s Product Backlash

December 17th, 2018 by

Prada is in hot water after releasing a product that many on social media are calling racist. The company has issued a statement in response and removed the product from its shelves. But how can it—and other brands—avoid making the same mistake in the future?

A Crisis Double Play: How the Washington Nationals Fielded a Nationally Televised Fight

December 14th, 2018 by

It was a nightmare scenario for Jennifer Giglio. Leading communications for the Washington Nationals Ball Club, she was accustomed to player tempers flaring and even some battling and fights behind the scenes. But nothing could have prepared her for the televised altercation between closer and team “bad boy” Jonathan Papelbon and “golden boy” right fielder Bryce Harper.