Archive: June 2016


How to Use Old-School Journalism to Help Your Brand Stand Out on Social

June 13th, 2016 by

Social media is a green field for PR pros. Virtually every person you want to market to spends time online engaging with a social media platform. The catch is you must stand out. In a world where everyone wants just a minute of your time, asking for the mere seconds it takes to read and like a post is a tall order. The nonprofit association CompTIA faced this challenge. To get results it failed to attain previously, the association had to do things it hadn’t done before. By going back to journalism basics it rebooted its approach to social media, and increased engagement by as much as 180%. Thinking like a journalist will not only help you achieve your goals, it will make you indispensable as this niche grows in professional relevance.

Snap to It: Tips for Brands to Get Started on Snapchat or at Least to Think About Now

June 13th, 2016 by

Like all social media platforms, Snapchat is tweaking itself, and the social community responds with changes of its own. Just weeks ago it was accurate to say Snapchat contained no e-commerce ads, that it averaged 8 billion daily views and that curated content on the evanescent platform was strictly verboten, a liability for brands intent on having maximum control of the message. Each of those statements now is untrue. Quickly to the first two: Snapchat began accepting e-commerce ads May 1 and it now says it is averaging 10 billion views daily. While those first two points are important to brand communicators, especially those interested in speaking to a millennial demo, the curated content piece may be the most important.

Tips and Tactics to Ensure Your Online Content Is Optimally Optimized

June 13th, 2016 by

There was a time, not too long ago, when PR and digital were acutely divided disciplines, often competing with one another for budgets. While that still may be the case for some, more and more PR and digital strategies such as SEO are integrating, working together to reach target audiences, improve user experience and garner a greater ROI. As a PR pro in this ever-changing landscape, it can be tough to navigate. The rules of SEO change almost daily thanks to Google.

Campaign Communications: Social Listening Fuels Race for White House

June 10th, 2016 by

One of the most significant advantages of social networks is the incredible amount of user information that each platform collects and then makes available for targeted posts. By staying on top of what users and the media are talking about on social platforms, candidates have an unprecedented ability to weigh in with the most relevant information. Each campaign can offer PR pros valuable examples of how to be aware of important topics and deploy the right messaging to the right audience at the right time.

What Brands Can Learn From ‘Chewbacca Mom’

June 10th, 2016 by

A story does not need to be complicated to draw people’s attention and win their affection. These days, big brands invest millions of dollars in elaborate and often highly produced online content and campaigns designed to gather as much attention as possible. Yet the video that broke all the records is a simple recording from the smartphone of a woman sharing her sincere laughter with the world.

10 Tips for CSR Dialogue Building

June 9th, 2016 by

Corporate social responsibility programs simply can’t have any real lifespan without the work of professional communicators. The best PR pros breathe life into CSR programs by creating ongoing dialogues between a program’s creators and a company’s employees and C-suite, journalists, the public at large on digital channels and communities that stand to benefit from the program itself.

Snapchat’s Discover, Live Stories Just Got More Appealing for Brands

June 9th, 2016 by

Snapchat’s latest update, a redesign of its Live Stories and Discover sections, goes a long way toward making the app more intuitive and bringing in more viewership. Now you will see both Discover and Live Stories intermingled in panels on the Discover page, as well as in a carousel at the top of the Stories page.

3 Things to Remember When Considering Messaging Apps

June 8th, 2016 by

Now that audiences are well established and active on messaging platforms—many of the most popular have hundreds of millions of monthly active users—the companies behind them are moving from a focus on messaging to a heightened awareness of commerce and business needs. Now that the platforms are considering business uses for their services, does every organization really need to embrace this new digital trend?

5 Techniques for Measuring Sales From Influencer Campaigns

June 8th, 2016 by

There are many moving parts when it comes to tracking influencers, particularly those that have a reach expanding across multiple platforms. Brands with an understanding of influencer performance can activate a strategic campaign by simply following a few easy steps to track influencers and attribute their efforts to marketing success.

How to Get Started on Snapchat (and a Few Tips for Success)

June 7th, 2016 by

Your brand can ignore Snapchat if it wishes, yet with 10 billion daily views and growing (it was 8 billion just a few months ago), concentrated largely in a very young, highly desirable demographic, it might not be the greatest idea. OK, perhaps your brand isn’t ready to join the Snapchat foray today. Fine. That’s reasonable, Gavin Donovan, digital strategy lead, Mission Foods, told attendees during a PR News Digital PR& Marketing Conference in Miami Beach June 7.