Social Media & SEO


Double Trouble: Twitter Shakes Up Its Brand Identity

September 27th, 2017 by

I don’t drink chocolate milk too often anymore, but those rare times that I do I reach for the Fox’s U-bet. Although the maker of U-bet, Brooklyn-based H. Fox & Co., was acquired in 2016… Continued

A 12-Step Checklist to Optimize Your Content for a Google Search

September 25th, 2017 by

If you want to optimize a web page to be front and center on a Google search, there’s so much more to it than just using a couple of keywords in the title. From the time of day your page is posted, to making sure you always follow the 3/100 rule, there are a variety of methods for optimizing a page to make it dance with Google’s algorithm. Here’s a quick 12-step checklist to keep in mind whenever you’re posting a new piece of content to your site.

Is Integrated Communications the Holy Grail or Just Cheap Talk?

September 17th, 2017 by

Growing up, most of us were encouraged by our parents and teachers to play well in the sandbox, to share our toys and pay attention in class. Fast forward to now, and imagine your boss… Continued

A Decade of Hashtags and You’re Still Doing It Wrong

September 15th, 2017 by

The hashtag recently turned 10 years old, but after all these years, it has still got to be one of the most misunderstood social media tactics ever. Hashtags hold power, but like any other power, it can have adverse affects if not used in the right way. Here are three common hashtag mistakes that every brand needs to avoid.

How IBM Does Social Customer Care, With a Little Help From Watson

September 8th, 2017 by

We’ve all read stories of an angry customer tweeting at an airline or a restaurant because they had a bad experience. But social customer care is about so much more than just dealing with irate customers, says Brandi Boatner, a digital experience manager with IBM. We recently sat down with Boatner during a Facebook Live session to pick her brain on how social customer care is evolving—and how IBM is using artificial intelligence to bolster the process.

A Beginner’s Quick Guide to Using Google Search Console for SEO

September 7th, 2017 by

If you want a better website with better content, Google Search Console should be one of your first stops. It’s a powerful set of tools that can give you valuable information on errors you may have in your code, usability, search traffic and so on. And yes, there can be a slight learning curve if you’re new to it. In the PR News Guidebook: Google for Communicators, Chris Hornak, owner of Blog Hands, argues that fluency with these tools is well worth the afternoon or two it might cost you to learn how to use them.

4 Factors to Decide if Your CEO Should Be on Twitter

September 6th, 2017 by

You’d be hard pressed to find a Fortune 500 company without a presence on Twitter, but should the big boss also be on the medium? It depends on myriad factors, including your goal for being on the platform, who will actually compose the tweets, the type of information your CEO wants to share and, of course, whether they have a thick skin.

LinkedIn Creator Mode on a mobile phone and laptop

3 Ways Brands Can Use LinkedIn’s Audience Network

September 6th, 2017 by

LinkedIn has rolled out a targeting tool for brands that sponsor content on the platform: Audience Network. The tool increases brands’ chances of their content appearing on audiences’ LinkedIn feeds, as well as—perhaps more excitingly—tracking users across the internet once they leave LinkedIn. Here are three ways brands can start experimenting with Audience Network.

On Snapchat, Meeting the Audience Halfway Is Key

September 1st, 2017 by

Like any good friendship, the relationship between a brand and its audience on Snapchat should be a two-way street. Matt Johnston, executive director of video at Rodale, worked directly with Snap Inc. to build a Discover platform from scratch. Here, he shares his tips and tactics for how to meet your audience halfway on Snapchat to keep the eager tapper glued to your story.

Six Steps to Build Trust With Journalists on Social Media During the Fake News Era

August 29th, 2017 by

In an era where the hottest topic is fake news, how can you build trust with journalists? You’ll likely need to do so on social media. Here are tips that will help you do that and start to pitch more successfully, too.