Social Media & SEO


10 Tips to Get the Most Mileage With Social Video

August 13th, 2018 by

With 8 billion average daily views of video on Facebook, 4 billion+ on YouTube and one hour of video uploaded to YouTube every second, you’d need to live under a rock not to see social video becoming a preferred medium for storytelling. But how can your brand’s videos compete with excessive noise in the market? Here are ten tips that will ensure your social video garners engagement.

Moment-Based Marketing: How to Be Part of What’s Happening on Twitter

August 13th, 2018 by

At the PR News Social Media Summit, Twitter’s Nina Mishkin and Dropbox’s Susan Chang spoke on the necessity of capturing attention in a crowded timeline, the importance of proactive social care and how brands today need to thoughtfully participate in cultural moments. Knowing that marketing your product and its features are table stakes, here is what it takes to stand out, win the moment and the customer on Twitter in today’s attention-based economy.

How to Drive Meaningful Interactions Through Your Social Media Content

August 9th, 2018 by

As communication professionals, we’ve heard it before: Don’t try to tell every story. Tell the stories that matter. From creating content that’s in line with your brand identity, to placing trust in your social following, influencers and partners to co-create and amplify content, it’s more important than ever to be relevant or risk being scrolled past in consumers’ news feeds. Here’s how you can cultivate meaningful connections with your social content.

Snapchat, Facebook and Twitter Report Declining User Numbers

August 8th, 2018 by

Though daily social media use is ingrained in many peoples’ lives, it seems that major social media companies may have reached a saturation point when it comes to adding new users—at least in a few markets. Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat all reported stagnant or declining user numbers in the second quarter of 2018, prompting speculation about whether they had reached their growth limits.

How to Leverage Interactive Content in Your Press Release

August 3rd, 2018 by

If you’ve watched a television show on-demand or streamed a popular YouTube video over the last few years, you’ve also likely been prompted to interact with a video ad. Given that engagement is a far more telling insight than mere views, the benefits of having your audience interact with your content are numerous. Interactive content generates four to five times more page views than static content according to LinkedIn, thus facilitating the first, and one of the most challenging, steps in the customer journey—engagement.

SEO team working out ideas

4 Steps to Deploying a Potent SEO Action Plan

August 3rd, 2018 by

Has your organization ever held meetings about improving web traffic, but let the implementation of SEO strategies fall by the wayside? If so, you’re not alone. Here are four recommendations for communicators seeking to drive better SEO practices across their organizations.

3 Takeaways for Communicators From U.S. Sen. Warner’s Paper on Social Media Regulation

July 31st, 2018 by

Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, has released a policy paper proposing 20 different paths toward social media regulation. In the paper, Warner divides his proposals into three categories: combating disinformation, protecting user privacy and promoting competition in the tech space. Here’s what the paper’s key points mean for communicators.

What Facebook’s Stock Plunge Means for Communicators

July 26th, 2018 by

Facebook didn’t lose a cow today, it lost nearly all of McDonald’s. The question for communicators, though, is whether or not this is the right time to abandon the platform as a marketing and communications vehicle. It is if you believe Facebook is irreparably damaged and millions of users will depart abruptly. Of course, Facebook could shed several million users gradually and remain the dominant social network.

Why PayPal Uses Visuals to Tell Part, But Not All, of Its Story

July 25th, 2018 by

PayPal’s director of global corporate communications Amanda Miller cautions the next generation of PR professionals to realize that visuals, owned media and social are just a piece in an ecosystem that should include earned media, too.

Winchester House

4 Ways to Make Sure Your Website Isn’t a Winchester Mystery House

July 24th, 2018 by

While a successful donation campaign or high number of form fills is cause for celebration, it’s often what isn’t working that gets overlooked, whether you’re updating an existing site or launching a new one. A bad website might be compared to the Winchester Mystery House, famous for its eccentric and haphazard construction, including stairways and doors leading nowhere.