Social Media & SEO


Coronavirus Amplifies The Focus on Fake News…and Laughter

May 7th, 2020 by

Fake news is not a new phenomenon. Its proliferation during the pandemic, though, when life and death are at stake, has elevated the issue to a new level. As a result, Hill + Knowlton’s (US) new analytics chief John Gillooly believes verifying data will be hot after the pandemic subsides. He also thinks it’s important for people to laugh now. Even for data analysts.

‘Where’s the Beef?’ Is Going Viral (Again). How Are Meat Industry Communicators Responding?

May 6th, 2020 by

As meat processing plants around the U.S. close temporarily due to COVID-19 outbreaks, the supply chain disruption has started to reach consumers. Bulk retailer Costco has limited beef and ground pork sales per customer, as… Continued

Brands Encourage at-Home Cinco de Mayo Celebrations

May 5th, 2020 by

Cinco de Mayo usually welcomes revelers for one of the prime party days in America. Spring has sprung, the weather is warmer and there’s not much to dislike about Mexican food or margaritas. The day… Continued

The Pandemic’s ‘Infodemic’ and Facebook’s Face-Saving Response

May 5th, 2020 by

Few things are spreading faster than fake news about coronavirus. In an uncharacteristic stance for it, Facebook has vowed to remove outrageous claims and cures and inform users when they’ve reached posts with bogus health information. Many believe Facebook and other platforms should be doing more.

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How Twitter Fleets Can Help You Communicate with Your Audience During COVID-19

May 4th, 2020 by

Even as organizations strengthen ties with their audiences during the pandemic, they will need a long-term engagement strategy that builds on that trust.

Brands Focus #NationalSuperheroDay on Real-Life Superheroes

April 28th, 2020 by

Brands and individuals pivoted from honoring the traditional superheroes of Superman and Wonder Woman, to our everyday superheroes—doctors and nurses, grocery clerks, mail carriers, teachers and other essential workers on today’s National Superhero Day. The… Continued


NFL, Brands Test the Boundaries of Communication for Draft Day

April 23rd, 2020 by

In a world without professional sports, the National Football League will provide a reprieve to fans looking for live action with this week’s NFL draft. In what may be the most highly-anticipated COVID event to… Continued

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How to Develop a Post-COVID-19 Digital Strategy Now

April 23rd, 2020 by

Many digital pros recommend making sure your content is not tone-deaf in this moment. That’s always good advice, of course. What’s critical, though, is understanding strategies behind when and how to engage appropriately and effectively. While planning digital efforts for tomorrow or even this week is not the way to go, you should be looking at longer range tactics and strategies.

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Foodgod Urges Influencers to Post Judiciously, Stay Authentic

April 22nd, 2020 by

Influencers want to influence, but the pandemic might not be the best moment, unless you are a health care influencer, says restaurant and food influencer Jonathan Cheban, aka Foodgod. Instead, post judiciously, he says. In addition, he recommends influencers remain authentic and true to their brand, which always is good advice.

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Earth Day 2020: Environmental Communications in Bloom

April 21st, 2020 by

In the decades since the environmental awareness holiday was launched, numerous organizations have tied the spring months to environmental sustainability and stewardship initiatives. Whether pledging to reduce an organization’s environmental impacts, investing in fossil fuel alternatives or teaching kids the importance of conservation, just about every kind of organization has an “in” on climate action. For inspiration, here are three Earth Day communications highlights.