Social Media & SEO


4 Essentials for Communications that Connect with Any Audience

August 5th, 2013 by

The opening session of the PR News Writing Boot Camp kicked off with quotes from some of the great ones—not public relations superstars, mind you, but literary geniuses such as Sylvia Plath, Herman Melville and Gabriel García Márquez.

7 Seconds to a Better Press Release

August 5th, 2013 by

Let’s assume that your press release landed in the right in-box, meaning the reporter is the right target for your message. For anyone in public relations, just getting to this point is a major achievement.… Continued

5 Things a PR Pro Can’t Live Without

August 5th, 2013 by

Everyone has that one item he or she simply can’t live without. PR News asked its readers on Facebook to tell us exactly what that thing is, and the results are in.

Case Study: Toshiba America Business Solutions Steps Up to Provide Resources Designed to Make CSR Helpers Help More

August 5th, 2013 by

Implementing a corporate social responsibility program requires more than just building a favorable brand image. It’s also about building a community by helping others. That was Toshiba America Business

Social Business; Growing (Albeit at A Glacial Pace) While Showrooming Taking Center Stage in Buying Process

August 5th, 2013 by

▶ The Glacial Pace of ‘Social Business’: A majority of business professionals (70%) believe “that social business is an opportunity to fundamentally change the way their organization works,”

A 5-Step PR Measurement Methodology Checklist

August 2nd, 2013 by

Most measurement experts recommend foregoing the search for a magic monitoring and analysis tool. Instead, communications pros should develop a methodology—an overall approach that can be modified over time.

Weber Shandwick

5 Key Tips for PR Pros to Avoid Burnout and Stay Motivated

August 1st, 2013 by

Knowing how and when to unplug will be one of the key skills for communications leaders in the coming years, says Greg Swan, SVP of digital & interactive for Weber Shandwick.

Be Happy, Work Hard: PR Pros’ Advice to Former Selves

August 1st, 2013 by

Even though Cher didn’t famously belt out, “If I could turn back time…” until the 1980s, the desire to go back and fix the mistakes of your youth has been around since time immemorial. We took to the PR News Facebook page to ask what advice communications professionals would give to their 21-year-old selves.

Video Killed the Video Star: When Does Quantity Trump Quality?

August 1st, 2013 by

The multimedia floodgates are open, and for good reason. Audiences are eager for short, playable, sharable content, and the playing field of PR has evolved alongside it.

Top Weiner Aide Offers Communicators a Lesson on How Not to Talk to Reporters

July 31st, 2013 by

If Anthony Weiner thought his campaign woes couldn’t get any worse, then Barbara Morgan likely changed his mind. Morgan is Weiner’s communication director and yesterday she responded to a former intern’s tell-all article in the Daily News with a barrage of insults and obscenities, which adds yet another layer of discreditable behavior to the campaign.