

What Brands Can Expect from the Agencies of the Future

July 13th, 2015 by

With many companies going to cheaper, smaller firms, or even in some circumstances, their own employee’s creations, what can brands expect from the agencies in the future?

7 Tumblr Tips for Getting Your Content Shared

July 13th, 2015 by

With the intense competition for eyeballs, getting your company’s blog post read can be difficult. Tumblr, for example, hosts more than 243 million blogs, so standing out is critical.

Google Analytics a ‘Game Changer’ for Ambitious PR Pros Who Aren’t Afraid of Left-Brain Thinking

July 13th, 2015 by

We’ve heard more than one communications professional say, partially in jest, that entering PR was a way to to avoid numbers. Yet the digital age has made PR measurement a joking matter no longer. You may be risking career advancement should you continue to shun analytics.

How to Turn Bad News About Your Brand or Organization Into a Win

July 13th, 2015 by

What is the best way to react to negative news? Since many stories fade quickly, is a reaction always warranted? By responding, you run the risk of keeping the story alive and encouraging additional coverage. Still, there are times when a response is necessary to curtail a serious hit to your reputation and/or sales.

The Week in PR, July 6- July 13

July 13th, 2015 by

Burson-Marsteller rolls out a new Cuba offering, Toyota’s PR chief resigns and the latest Reputation Institute rankings.

How an Integrated Media Campaign Tackled the Delicate Subject of Childhood Obesity

July 13th, 2015 by

In 2013, the American Heart Association|American Stroke Association (AHA/ASA) shifted its focus from PR programs solely supporting the group’s original mission of preventing heart disease, to engaging segments of the population to expand the fight against both heart disease and stroke.

4 Questions for Ben Parr: Igniting a Bonfire of Attention for Your Brand

July 10th, 2015 by

At PR News’ Big 4 Social Media Conference, “Captivology” author Ben Parr will discuss the practical applications of his findings about the deep-rooted, primal nature of human attention, and how technology has altered the way attention is captured.

Building a PR Agency Client Roster

July 9th, 2015 by

In PR, relationships drive business and results. It stands to reason that the answer to building a client roster lies in maintaining strong relationships.

This One Simple Question Can Transform Your Business Relationships

July 9th, 2015 by

The moving company that assisted with our house move last week sent us a hard-working crew. Hauling boxes and furniture to and fro, they didn’t spend much time chatting, but when they did they usually framed it in a question: “How am I doing?” When Danny, the head mover, first asked me that question I […]

This One Simple Question Can Transform Your Business Relationships

July 9th, 2015 by

In the course of a week, a month, a year, how often do you check in, one on one, with your customers, business partners, clients, journalists, colleagues and stakeholders and as them “How am I doing”?