
bonderman in 2014, ny times, uber, board

How Not to Be Uber: Spot Unconscious Biases in Your Organization

June 15th, 2017 by

Uber is facing another PR crisis after a June 13 sexist boardroom exchange led to the ouster of board member David Bonderman. This shows Uber’s discriminatory culture is still deeply ingrained at the highest levels, according to Jessica Fish, senior consultant at Leader Networks. And the incident serves as a reminder for communicators to examine their own personal beliefs and workplaces for implicit and unconscious biases about race and gender long before they are exposed in a public setting.

Learn to Write Snappily From Snapchat and Hemingway

June 14th, 2017 by

Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address contained fewer than 300 words and it’s considered one of the greatest speeches in the history of this country. In an era when we can tap out brief, usually cogent, messages on social media platforms, why do many of us revert to long, Proustian prose when we get behind the keyboard in our offices? Let’s do away with lengthy press releases, laden with jargon and numerous buzzwords. Perhaps social media and Papa Hemingway can help solve this epidemic in the making.

youtube, channel

10 Tips to Draw More Eyes to Your YouTube Videos

June 14th, 2017 by

YouTube videos can sometimes seem like the one-hit wonders of the content universe. But the good news is that through strong SEO strategy and tactical outreach, little-noticed YouTube videos can still be a powerful vehicle for drawing in new audiences. Matt Goldberg, who creates and promotes video content for Chicago-based machine tool manufacturer Lyndex-Nikken—as well as founding production company MBG Films, which boasts 8.5 million views and over 13,000 subscribers—shares 10 recommendations for increasing YouTube views.

Sign of the Times: Delta, Bank of America Bow to Pressure From Trump Supporters

June 12th, 2017 by

Shakespeare in the Park’s new Caesar stages the title character as looking very similar to Donald Trump. Although much art is meant to provoke discussion, enacting the assassination of a deeply controversial president on a prominent stage crosses a line. Visualizing violence against a sitting president is nowhere near being considered acceptable—and your brand probably doesn’t belong anywhere near such displays.

The Dirty Little Secret of Social Media Metrics

June 12th, 2017 by

Marketers are trained to watch engagement, track reach, respond to comments and keep an eye out for influencers on social media. But above and beyond how many shares and click throughs a post receives, the question your senior leaders really want to know is, “What’s the ROI of your social media efforts?” If you want more budget, headcount or respect within your organization, then you better have an answer to that question.

3 Tactics to Develop Your Snapchat Presence

June 12th, 2017 by

Kristy Gillentine spends a lot of time chatting about Snapchat. Host of the popular “ChatSnap—The Twitter Chat All About Snapchat,” Gillentine interviews such social superstars as Shonduras, Brian Fanzo and Madelyn Sklar once a week to share cutting-edge tips and tricks about the platform. But for those brand communicators just looking to establish their presence on Snapchat, she offered the following tips.

Next Time You’re at an Industry Event, Apply These 5 Simple Rules

June 12th, 2017 by

As communicators, you know the importance of face-to-face encounters, having a meaningful conversation IRL (in real life). Whether you are attending an industry event to learn, to network or to market your brand, here are the 5 habits of highly effective event-goers.

Next Time You’re at an Industry Event, Apply These 5 Simple Rules

June 12th, 2017 by

In the course of your career, you’ll have attended dozens if not hundreds of industry events where – if you’re like most human attendees – you’ve exchanged business cards as if by rote, refilled your… Continued

How Taco Bell Dropped What It Wanted To Say on Social and Emphasized Its Fans’ Voices Instead

June 12th, 2017 by

Few brands are enjoying more success on social media than Taco Bell. We asked Taco Bell’s social media and brand engagement manager Matt Prince to let us in on some of the secrets and best practices he uses. Rule number one: Know your audience and where it lives. Two: Talk with fans as if they were friends of yours. And drop the jargon, corporate-speak and promotional content.

Debut of HomePod Sparks Debate on Communicators And Use of Voice-Activation Tech

June 12th, 2017 by

When people came up for air last week long enough to discuss something other than the tribulations of Misters Comey and Trump, a few of them spoke about Apple’s new HomePod. That was our cue to ask communicators if their brands are invested in voice activation. We also wondered if it’s time for communicators to begin making significant investments in voice activation.