

Reebok Sees Narrative-Changing ‘Opportunity’ in Trump’s ‘Good Shape’ Remark

July 17th, 2017 by

Reebok’s Twitter account took a satirical streak July 14 when it mocked President Trump’s comment to France’s first lady Brigitte Macron that she’s “in such good physical shape…beautiful.” The post has since gone viral, with more than 46,000 retweets and nearly 79,000 likes as of this morning. The tweet is a rare example of a big consumer brand challenging President Trump on his favorite social media platform. “We saw this as an opportunity—as a learning moment,” says Inga Stenta, senior director of brand management at Reebok.

How USA Gymnastics Excelled at Handling a Harsh Investigative Report

July 17th, 2017 by

In her latest installment of Image Patrol, Katie Paine looks at how USA Gymnastics is handling its sexual scandal and contrasts it with Bell Pottinger’s mishandling of its crisis concerning an account from a South African company with ties to that country’s president.

How Brands Can Find the Storytelling Sweet Spot With Their Podcasts and Reach New Audiences

July 17th, 2017 by

Podcasts are becoming more mainstream and so are finding their place in the tool kits of brand communicators. Are they right for your brand? If so, what should the podcast cover? Should it be a thinly veiled sales pitch or a storytelling vehicle that barely mentions your brand by name? We ask a pair of podcast veterans for best practices.

How The CFA Institute Used Social Media to Humanize its Brand

July 17th, 2017 by

There are many things even a supposedly staid brand can do on social media to enhance awareness. Here’s what the Chartered Financial Advisor Institute has been doing on social media to humanize its brand and make it a bit more human and fun.

How to Get a Tuition-Free Crash Course in Media Relations

July 14th, 2017 by

In PR as in any profession, it’s important to keep learning. Educational resources for PR pros abound, of course. Fortunately, PR practitioners also can gain a tuition-free education by being keen observers of the political process. Watching televised briefings and political talk shows provide plenty of takeaways, especially about what to do and avoid when dealing with the media.

How Royal Caribbean Controls the Message During a Crisis

July 14th, 2017 by

Cynthia Martinez has handled some of the worst crises you could imagine. As director of global corporate communications for Royal Caribbean Cruises, Martinez has dealt with everything from fires to a guest committing suicide by jumping overboard. And since any of Royal Caribbean’s guests can tweet or post a video the moment a crisis arises, her team needs to be quick, transparent and, most of all, prepared. Martinez, who will speak at PR News’ Digital and Marketing Show Oct. 17-19 in Miami, shares a few tips on how to own the narrative.

four, pillars

Viacom Velocity’s 4 Pillars of Facebook KPIs (and Where to Find Them)

July 13th, 2017 by

Measuring reach on Facebook has become far more complex than simply using one metric to count how many people witnessed a piece of content. A mix of different KPIs must be considered in tandem to determine where, how and why users are seeing (or not seeing) your brand’s Facebook content, according to Karen Vega, senior director of social media activations and earned media at Viacom Velocity.

2 Likely Reasons Why You Work in Communications

July 13th, 2017 by

If you’re knee-deep in an all-consuming career, you probably don’t take much time out to ask yourself how and why you got there. A little navel-gazing can go a long way, though. Paychecks aside, asking yourself why you’re in a particular line of work can put you back in touch with your original inspiration, your core ambitions and your native talents.

3 Ways the FCC Rollback of Net Neutrality Could Affect Your Brand

July 12th, 2017 by

Amazon, Reddit, Netflix, Google: This is just the beginning of the list of prominent companies that have joined the chorus to call for the preservation of net neutrality on July 12, 2017, the “Day of Action.” But your brand may not seem to be as directly affected if it is not a content provider. How, then, is this controversy relevant to you?

How @WeAreCisco Grew Its Instagram Account Organically in 5 Steps

July 12th, 2017 by

When Cisco’s Talent Brand team opened an Instagram account, it didn’t just throw a few photos into the feed, bedazzle them with hashtags and call it a day. The company knew that getting people to show up and remain engaged with the account would be a challenge. So, how did @WeAreCisco’s Instagram account grow from zero to 18,000 followers, with healthy engagement rates, without paying a dime? Here’s how.