Media Relations


PR Insider: The Lost Art of Reputation Management

January 12th, 2015 by

We need to get to back to the basics of reputation management because teaching principles of protecting an image should be sacred in PR.

Taking a Stand: Communicating with Difficult CEOs By the Numbers

January 12th, 2015 by

To prove your value to big egos means having elephant skin. Owning a legitimate relationship with the boss is one thing, but picking him up by the lapels to convince him that his actions could have seriously unintended consequences is another.

How to Transform Press Releases

January 12th, 2015 by

A press release should be designed as a news story worthy of publication in a newspaper. This might sound humorous as you consider the hundreds of press releases you’ve seen and written that begin with, “ABC Corporation, the leading provider of best in breed ecommerce solutions…” Yet today’s news cycles make the reality of verbatim pick-up a real possibility—that is, if the release is written well.

Case Study: PR Effort Helps Bring the Soap Box Derby Up to Speed

January 12th, 2015 by

In 2009, Bob Troyer, public relations chairman for the All-American Soap Box Derby, approached AKA MEDIA INC. to help promote, publicize, broadcast and digitize the event. The agency worked closely with the Derby for the next five years, but in 2014 the Derby raced ahead to a new level.

3 Lessons Brad Pitt Can Teach You About Using Metrics to Power PR

January 7th, 2015 by

Barry Reicherter of Finn Partners and a speaker at PR News’ upcoming Google Conference for Communicators in San Francisco offers data and analytics lessons as seen through the fulcrum of three movies starring Brad Pitt.

15 Easy Changes to Transform Your Career this Year

January 5th, 2015 by

Forget new year’s resolutions about losing weight, completing your first novel, hiking the Pacific Crest Trail while learning how to play guitar. Those sorts of resolutions just set you up for disappointment. It’s time to… Continued

Visual, Mobile Issues Confront Communicators in 2015

January 5th, 2015 by

As they wade into the 2015 pool communicators will be on the hook to show positive returns for a growing number of disciplines, ranging from online analytics to content marketing to mobile apps.

7 Essential Elements of Effective PR Writing

December 31st, 2014 by

In today’s crowded media environment, simply avoiding grammatical mistakes isn’t enough to make your PR content stand out.

4 of the Best PR Stories in 2014

December 31st, 2014 by

The PR fails are easy to remember, the positive PR stories, not so much. But we jogged our memories to come up with a handful of examples of effective communications and solid messaging in 2014.

Sony Releases The Interview Amidst Muddled Messaging

December 24th, 2014 by

The Sony hack provides a lesson in how a brand that become victims of such an attack should conduct its messaging.