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Sign of the Times: Delta, Bank of America Bow to Pressure From Trump Supporters

June 12th, 2017 by

Shakespeare in the Park’s new Caesar stages the title character as looking very similar to Donald Trump. Although much art is meant to provoke discussion, enacting the assassination of a deeply controversial president on a prominent stage crosses a line. Visualizing violence against a sitting president is nowhere near being considered acceptable—and your brand probably doesn’t belong anywhere near such displays.

The Dirty Little Secret of Social Media Metrics

June 12th, 2017 by

Marketers are trained to watch engagement, track reach, respond to comments and keep an eye out for influencers on social media. But above and beyond how many shares and click throughs a post receives, the question your senior leaders really want to know is, “What’s the ROI of your social media efforts?” If you want more budget, headcount or respect within your organization, then you better have an answer to that question.

3 Tactics to Develop Your Snapchat Presence

June 12th, 2017 by

Kristy Gillentine spends a lot of time chatting about Snapchat. Host of the popular “ChatSnap—The Twitter Chat All About Snapchat,” Gillentine interviews such social superstars as Shonduras, Brian Fanzo and Madelyn Sklar once a week to share cutting-edge tips and tricks about the platform. But for those brand communicators just looking to establish their presence on Snapchat, she offered the following tips.

Next Time You’re at an Industry Event, Apply These 5 Simple Rules

June 12th, 2017 by

As communicators, you know the importance of face-to-face encounters, having a meaningful conversation IRL (in real life). Whether you are attending an industry event to learn, to network or to market your brand, here are the 5 habits of highly effective event-goers.

The Week in PR

June 12th, 2017 by

Our weekly roundup of news, trends and personnel moves in communications and PR. This week we feature stories about the comings and (mostly) goings at Uber, the “paltry” profits that PR firms earned in 2016 and the start of a practice combining athletes, PR and healthcare. In personnel moves Weber Shandwick has a new chief of its global affairs practice and rbb has a new EVP for global and emerging markets, healthcare.

50 Game-Changers of PR: Bobbie Carlton

June 9th, 2017 by

PR News recently asked its community to tell us who should be listed among the top game-changers of PR in the last few years—individuals who have been accelerating the expansion and growth of brand communication. One such game-changer is Bobbie Carlton, who in addition to leading Carlton PR & Marketing, created a program that transformed how new products are launched while also streamlining the way speaking engagements for women are secured.

4 Lessons Comey’s Testimony Can Teach Spokespeople and Media Trainers

June 8th, 2017 by

Former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony to an open session of the Senate Intelligence Committee June 8 was hotly anticipated, to say the least. It was a true high-stakes test of how Comey would bear up under pressure. Most would agree: The man makes a good impression. If you work with spokespeople who are going to have some major questions thrown at them, the morning’s proceedings contain several lessons. Have your media trainee watch the footage, and give them this advice.

How Three Brands Found Success With Micro-Influencers

June 8th, 2017 by

Size matters in some things, but not all. Steph Curry is proving that. As Shonduras said during the sold-out Social Shake-Up Show recently, brands can be successful by deploying micro-influencers who have small but highly engaged followers. Speaking of size, small, media and even large brands are taking to micro-influencers. Here’s how three of them are doing it.

girl, revitalize, springtime, growth

6 Steps to Revitalize Your Brand on Instagram

June 7th, 2017 by

Your brand launched an Instagram account and built a following, but your engagement and audience growth has plateaued. So, now what? To spark fresh interest in the platform, Noah Champion Buck, executive director of Los Angeles-based Wagstaff Digital, says it’s crucial to pair a data-based approach with ingenuity and experimentation. Buck shared six steps toward crafting more tactical and inventive Instagram content.

7 Simple Do’s and Don’ts for Video Posts on Facebook

June 7th, 2017 by

Ben Aronson, social media and digital director at Adams & Knight, argues that completion rate is the single metric that you should pay the most attention to, because it is the clearest way to tell how engaged your audience is. After all, if your video gets lots of shares but people are only watching the first few seconds, your message isn’t really getting across. Aronson gives the following tips to power up your completion rates and other metrics.