Stories by Mallory Blair

Career Support Animal

Creative Hiring: How to Think Outside the LinkedIn Box

May 21st, 2021 by

The conventional hiring process is, well, conventional. Want ads, resumes, LinkedIn, recruiting and search firms. In PR, a field where creativity is highly valued, the traditional hiring route may not always find the best candidates. Companies that take an off-beat recruiting approach likely will find highly creative candidates.

4 Tips to Incorporate LinkedIn into Your B2B Social Strategy

May 20th, 2021 by

B2B marketers are missing opportunities to connect with individual prospects when they ignore or downplay LinkedIn. Here are 4 easy tips that can help marketers ease the platform’s intimidation factor and increase your chances of success.

When Crisis Calls, Answer the Phone

May 18th, 2021 by

How many crises might have been averted just by asking a few more questions and offering a couple of clarifying points? The author provides some key lessons.

Is Your Business Prepared for Cyber Armageddon? 

May 18th, 2021 by

Recent attacks have become bolder and more sophisticated and include invasions of government agencies, healthcare providers, schools and organizations of all types and sizes, including the likes of Twitter and Microsoft and the National Basketball Association. But while most attacks are against large, well-known brands, small business also is a big target for bad actors. The ransomware attack on one of the United States’ largest fuel pipelines is an all-too-frequent reminder that more needs doing. Now.

How PR Pros Can Guide Companies to Speak Out on Social Issues

May 18th, 2021 by

In today’s polarized climate, companies and CEOs take a risk when they speak out on political and social issues. On the other hand, remaining silent can be just as dangerous. Here are several tactics PR pros can employ as they help companies navigate these difficult situations.

Why It’s Critical to Get PR Involved in Product Development and Launch

May 14th, 2021 by

The market’s volatility makes it more important to have PR in at the earliest stages of products and campaigns. When a misstep can result in a public backlash, getting PR’s input at the outset of product development and message creation is tantamount to having an insurance policy.

How Communicators Can Help Educate America on AAPI Heritage

May 5th, 2021 by

Misinformation and misrepresentation are partly responsible for the rise of hate and violence against Asian Americans. During Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, communicators can help bring awareness to stories and struggles of a community that continues to be a target of hate.

Consider Mental Health as PR Pros Return to Office

May 5th, 2021 by

We asked Infinite Global’s global COO Isabel Podda and VP Sophie Cikovsky to discuss the importance of mental health awareness in PR as communicators return to the office. Since PR traditionally is in the top 10 of most-stressful occupations, mental health awareness is critical. It’s more so in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

PR Headed in Right Direction on Diversity, Empathy and Ethics, Though Long Road is Ahead

May 5th, 2021 by

At a time when diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) should be the norm in organizations, it is not. A new survey from the University of Georgia (UGA) and PRNEWS shows a consistent shortfall on diversity-related efforts.

CSR and Diversity Award logo

Winners Announced for PRNEWS CSR & Diversity Awards

April 30th, 2021 by

Marketing and communication professionals gathered virtually Tuesday to celebrate the winners and honorable mentions for the PRNEWS CSR & Diversity Awards, which mark excellence across people, teams and campaigns. Here are this year’s winners.