Stories by Nicole Schuman


Apple and Google Provide Contact-Tracing Program as a CSR Example

September 2nd, 2020 by

Technology can make a real difference when it comes to corporate social responsibility. This week Apple announced the launch of its COVID-19 Exposure Notification Express with its iOS 13.7 system update. Google’s Android will follow later this month, as the two tech giants teamed up in May to support contact-tracing efforts.

Will that resume get you hired?

Resume Deal-Breakers That Can Cost You a Job

September 1st, 2020 by

Whether you are a veteran PR professional, or relatively new to the industry, your resume can tell a story of not only your experience, but who you are as an employee and teammate. The key is to scrutinize the words used, as well as provide the reader with an easy, organized experience. Recruiters and hiring managers can tell if you create a resume with a half-hearted effort.

Big and Small Groups Use Digital Tools to Offer Help to Needy Communities

September 1st, 2020 by

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) works best when local communities benefit. The key is knowing how to best reach communities in need. Some of the smallest organizations are making great strides using digital tools.

United Airlines

United Abolishes Change Fees in Airline PR Grab

August 31st, 2020 by

United’s decision to abolish change fees may empower consumers’ purchasing options, but also shows a half-hearted attempt at winning those health-conscious customers back. While other airlines may follow suit if United’s decision results in a travel windfall, quality customer service will remain a key strategy.

[VIDEO] PRNEWS Talks to Brian Fanzo, Host of Social Shake-Up 2020, About Virtual Events

August 31st, 2020 by

In this week’s LinkedIn Live, Sophie Maerowitz, senior content manager at PRNEWS and sister brand The Social Shake-Up spoke to Brian Fanzo, host and emcee of The Social Shake-Up 2020 virtual conference. Fanzo, social media expert, CEO of iSocialFanz and veteran keynote speaker on marketing and engagement strategy, shared best practices for virtual events and offered his take on video storytelling in the COVID era.

social movement support

NBA Postpones Games to Spread Message of Solidarity

August 27th, 2020 by

“Stick to sports” is what many contrarians say when athletes become involved in social and political causes. However, athletes enjoy a high-profile platform, and many want to utilize that visibility for change. More than athletes, they are human beings. Will the current movement mature and work toward solutions?

Women's Equality Day

Women’s Equality Day Messaging Spans Across Industries

August 26th, 2020 by

Women hold 73% of PR jobs, yet their representation in management and pay still lag behind male colleagues. While women in all industries have a ways to go to reach full equity, brands are acknowledging and embracing a need for change. We look at how organizations honored Women’s Equality Day on social media.

leveraging AI

How PR Pros Can Benefit from Leveraging AI

August 25th, 2020 by

During an Aug. 25 webinar hosted by PRNEWS, panelists discussed the benefits of including AI in their communications strategy. The technology, they said, does not exist as the be-all solution for anyone’s needs. Instead, it provides a helpful boost where needed, particularly for PR. 

school closing communications

Crisis Plans for Back-to-School Include a Closing Strategy

August 24th, 2020 by

While PRNEWS focused on communicating school reopenings earlier this month, it now seems that most communicators need to have a plan for closing as well. We talked with two communicators in education to see how they’ve been strategizing for possible situations. 

kid getting a bad grade on a paper

PRNEWS GRADES: Back-to-School Edition

August 21st, 2020 by

The PRNEWS staff comes across many examples of brand advertising and communications every day. We have compiled a weekly assessment, with staff members providing their choices of the most notable, good or bad. This week, we placed a special focus on Back-to-School messaging.