Stories by Nicole Schuman

NFL Kickoff

Are Fans Ready for Some NFL Football?

September 10th, 2020 by

The NFL debuts its 101st season tonight, minus most of the fans, but not without fanfare. Many wonder how the league, which is not playing in a bubble, will weather a health crisis, as well as social justice issues, which were largely ignored or frowned upon in the past. Flexibility and innovation will remain top priorities for the league, much like in other sports. 


Does The Academy’s Oscars’ Announcement Ring Hollow?

September 9th, 2020 by

In 2015, the hashtag #OscarsSoWhite first appeared on the Twitter timeline, going viral for the prestigious awards event lacking a diverse lineup of films, actors, producers and directors. Five years later, The Academy announced sweeping standards to incorporate a wider representation and inclusion regarding nominees.

virtual press conference

How to Conduct a Successful Virtual Press Conference

September 8th, 2020 by

When COVID-19 shut down most in-person communication, the traditional press conference just didn’t cut it any more.

FB Political Ad Ban: A Good Look or Too Little, Too Late?

September 3rd, 2020 by

Facebook announced that it will halt all publishing of new political advertisements in the week leading up to the November presidential election. This comes on the heels of concerns of how Facebook could be used to impact an election. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg also issued a warning regarding potential unrest over election results and processes. 

kid getting a bad grade on a paper

PRNEWS GRADES: Labor Day Edition

September 3rd, 2020 by

The PRNEWS staff comes across many examples of brand advertising and communications every day. We have compiled a weekly assessment, with staff members providing their choices of the most notable, good or bad. This week, we placed a special focus on Labor Day and end-of-summer messaging.

[VIDEO] PRNEWS Talks to Anne Green, of G&S Business Communications, About Women’s Equality in PR

September 3rd, 2020 by

PRNEWS Live welcomed Anne Green, principal/managing director, G&S Business Communications to speaking with us about women’s equality and related diversity issues.


Apple and Google Provide Contact-Tracing Program as a CSR Example

September 2nd, 2020 by

Technology can make a real difference when it comes to corporate social responsibility. This week Apple announced the launch of its COVID-19 Exposure Notification Express with its iOS 13.7 system update. Google’s Android will follow later this month, as the two tech giants teamed up in May to support contact-tracing efforts.

Will that resume get you hired?

Resume Deal-Breakers That Can Cost You a Job

September 1st, 2020 by

Whether you are a veteran PR professional, or relatively new to the industry, your resume can tell a story of not only your experience, but who you are as an employee and teammate. The key is to scrutinize the words used, as well as provide the reader with an easy, organized experience. Recruiters and hiring managers can tell if you create a resume with a half-hearted effort.

Big and Small Groups Use Digital Tools to Offer Help to Needy Communities

September 1st, 2020 by

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) works best when local communities benefit. The key is knowing how to best reach communities in need. Some of the smallest organizations are making great strides using digital tools.

United Airlines

United Abolishes Change Fees in Airline PR Grab

August 31st, 2020 by

United’s decision to abolish change fees may empower consumers’ purchasing options, but also shows a half-hearted attempt at winning those health-conscious customers back. While other airlines may follow suit if United’s decision results in a travel windfall, quality customer service will remain a key strategy.