In each edition of PRNEWS we highlight takeaways from select articles as well as important notes for subscribers. Remember, PRNEWS subscribers are entitled to a 33 percent discount on all PRNEWS events and webinars.

Why CSR Programs Should be Part of Your Crisis-Planning Efforts
April 1st, 2019 by Scott Sobel, kglobalScott Sobel, an SVP at kglobal, advocates the use of CSR programs as a crisis-management tool. Still, the creation of CSR relative to crisis planning should be undertaken with delicate precision, he writes.

Influencers Cement Their Importance and ROI, Though Payment and Other Details Remain Fluid
February 1st, 2019 by Seth ArensteinInfluencers are so new to communications and marketing that the term still lacks a clear definition. What’s far clearer is the importance of influencers for marketing and communications. A new PR News-Meltwater survey shows about 50% of communicators are using influencers, and the overwhelming majority are satisfied with the ROI.

3 Tips for Perfect Smartphone Photos on Social Media
December 25th, 2018 by Justin JoffeYou’ve heard this a million times, but it’s still true—the majority of the tools you need to make your images pop on social are already in your pocket. Smartphones have an endless number of apps and native tools to improve image quality or highlight certain colors and textures, but there’s still no substitute for taking a well-composed, well-lit and well-realized photo to begin with.

Takeaways from 2019 Predictions and a Special Note About PR News’ Crisis Summit in February
December 1st, 2018 by Seth ArensteinIn each edition of PR News we highlight takeaways from select articles as well as important additions to the PR News Resources Center, which is available only to paid subscribers. This edition also includes a note about our upcoming subscriber call (Dec. 12 with crisis guru Kevin Elliott of Hill + Knowlton Strategies) and the PR News Crisis Summit in Miami Beach.

Infographics: A Great Communications Tool for Nonprofits [INFOGRAPHIC]
October 4th, 2018 by Hayley JenningsA good infographic can help any company engage with its audience and provide information in a compelling way. Infographics can help nonprofits in particular increase interest in their cause as well as lead to an upsurge in donations. Here we share an infographic to show why the medium can be so impactful specifically for nonprofit organizations.

Titles, Org Charts Change to Meet Demands of Integrated Efforts and Strategic Communications
October 1st, 2018 by Seth ArensteinThis month our regular roundtable feature asks senior communicators about how titles in the industry are changing and in what ways are communications teams reorganizing themselves.

Aligning PR With Business Goals to Grab Mindshare and Larger Budgets
July 1st, 2018 by Therese Van RyneIt is essential to tie PR to business objectives for several reasons. These include the importance of aligning to the goals of your company leaders and showcasing the value behind the metrics. Ultimately, reporting PR results with a focus on business results increases your opportunity to get even more budget for your next activity.

Meet Teresa Morrow, Global Marketing and Communications Director, 3M
June 29th, 2018 by Hayley JenningsAs part of a new continuing series, PR News is shining a spotlight on our community of communications professionals. And so, today we shine the spotlight on Teresa Morrow, global marketing communications director at 3M,… Continued