Social Media & SEO


The Week In PR

January 30th, 2017 by

Our weekly roundup of trends and personnel moves. Featured this week is a story about regulating influencers and involving the Kardashians. In addition the heads of PRSA and The Arthur W. Page Center blast alternative facts and fake news.

How a Windows Rollout Led Microsoft to Unify Its Social Media Strategy

January 26th, 2017 by

When Microsoft rolled out Windows 10, it didn’t expect the deluge of social media conversations that followed. That may seem surprising for a company its size, but the response across the globe was massive. And it displayed the power of social media to force organizations to rethink their social marketing, sales and customer-care strategies.

Federal Employees’ Twitter Silence an Elusive Goal for Trump Administration

January 26th, 2017 by

In the age of social media, employee messages can be very slippery indeed: The harder you squeeze to keep them in your grasp, the more they slip between your fingers and out into the world. Such seems to be the case with President Trump’s orders to the Environmental Protection Agency, National Park Service and the Forest Service to cease all communications with news media and otherwise stop disseminating facts about the climate.

PR Leaders Agree: It’s OK to Be a Bad-Ass

January 25th, 2017 by

Coming just days after the Women’s March, PR News’ Top Women in PR awards luncheon in NYC was an ebullient event that brought the PR industry together to celebrate female leadership and the individuals who’ve… Continued

Hootsuite Led U.S. B2B Brands in Twitter Engagement in Q3 2016

January 23rd, 2017 by

There will be no fake news here.

We’d like to say we and our data partner Shareablee timed the chart (below), which shows the top 30 most-engaged B2B brands on Twitter, to coincide with the start of the presidency of Donald Trump, a tremendous fan of Twitter. In fact, one of the first stories to emerge from the White House after President Trump’s inauguration was that the new president assumed Barack Obama’s @POTUS Twitter handle at 12:01pm ET on Inauguration Day.

Report Card: How 9 Brands Handled Being in Trump’s Crosshairs on Twitter

January 23rd, 2017 by

Although Twitter has been around for a decade, never in its history have 140 characters had the power and influence they’ve enjoyed since Nov. 9. Sure, when the Pope began tweeting, it made headlines but it didn’t move markets the way @realdonaldtrump has in the last few months. One outlet estimated that one 140-character screed about Lockheed Martin cost the company $28 million per character.

Social Shake-Up Advisors See Facebook Live Dominating in 2017, Urge Authenticity in Videos

January 23rd, 2017 by

We gathered select members of PR News’ Social Shake-Up Conference board of advisors for a roundtable on social trends for PR News’ premium PR News Pro (and offered to you for free). We also asked about best practices for social storytelling, how to spend little and get a lot from social and how to surmount obstacles to social media in regulated industries, all topics related to sessions on the agenda for the Shake-Up (May 22-24 in Atlanta,

4 Facebook Live Best Practices From eHarmony

January 20th, 2017 by

Communicators looking to jump on the Facebook Live trend should spend some time seeking inspiration from brands doing it well, and one of the foremost brands of that category is matchmaker eHarmony. We asked social media director Kerianne Mellott for some best practices, and she obliged us with these four Facebook Live tips.


4 Talking Points to Win Budget Dollars for Social Media, Courtesy of TOMS

January 19th, 2017 by

James Chong, senior manager of social customer engagement at TOMS, is tasked with managing TOMS’ social budget while spreading its cause-related messaging to new audiences. Chong, who will be speaking at PR News’ Digital Summit Feb. 24 in Huntington Beach, CA, shares the arguments for paid social that he’s made to senior leaders.


7 Social Media Trends to Watch in 2017 From Yelp’s Manager of Local Business Outreach

January 17th, 2017 by

Social platforms are in a constant state of evolution, with new features being rolled out at a breakneck pace. And every brand can benefit from keeping an eye out for upcoming social platform updates and trends. Yelp, for instance, with its diverse audience of businesses and consumers, prioritizes staying current to ensure it serves content in the most engaging way possible. John Carroll, manager of local outreach at Yelp, will be speaking on what’s next in social at PR News’ Digital Summit, Feb. 24 in Huntington Beach, CA. He shares seven trends in social media to be on the look for in 2017.