Social Media & SEO


Former Hearst Exec Coles Touts Authentic Brand Ambassadors, Brief Posts and Imagery

July 1st, 2019 by

We rarely cover live events in this publication. PRNEWS senior content manager Sophie Maerowitz gave us a reason to make an exception. She attended a PRSA session featuring former Hearst executive Joanna Coles, who offered so many interesting tips and tactics that we had to share them with you. Here are some gems from the sharp yet blunt mind of Coles.

Why Brands Should Focus Their CSR Efforts on Millennials

June 28th, 2019 by

There’s been a generational and cultural shift toward activism over the last few decades, as consumers call for more organic and open conversations about CSR from businesses. With this, the spirit of reversing capitalism-induced environmental and social damage has also become a trend in marketing. And millennials are largely the ones driving the shift.

Calling Facebook’s Social Platform a ‘Publication’ Is Good Media Relations

June 24th, 2019 by

Putting Facebook’s problems with inconsistent messaging aside, the “platform vs. publisher” debate has considerable relevance for PR pros, whose success in Media Relations largely depends on building out some variation of a PESO strategy that involves a traditional ad spend, an earned media component, solid SEO and robust owned content delivery channels. Communicators are in a position to become influencers of Facebook’s policy, not just through their partnerships with marketing and ad spends, but by treating the ubiquitous social network as a “publication” and not a “platform.” Here’s why.

3 Free Google Tools to Boost Your SEO Game

June 20th, 2019 by

Google has several enterprise-level tools that require a budget, but many of its tools—including Data Studio, recently graduated from beta—are completely free for the time being. Our roster of SEO and Analytics pros will be discussing some of these tools next month at PRNEWS’ Digital Boot Camp: Using Google Tools for Communicators, July 17 at NYC’s Yale Club. Ahead of the boot camp, though, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t feel empowered to start familiarizing yourself with these tools now. Communications professionals would be well-served to start experimenting with Google’s latest offerings, tinkering with messaging placement and delivery to see what resonates most with audiences.

Anatomy of a Social Media Budget

June 18th, 2019 by

A social media budget should focus on so much more than just dollar signs. A good budget requires a recipe of research and development, as well as resources. Every organization, from billion dollar companies with multiple marketing departments across the globe, to smaller nonprofits with social media armies of one, should take a look at social media usage and where it fits into their overall strategy.

Read This Before You Pitch That Reporter on Social Media

June 17th, 2019 by

Sending out a press release or blind-calling reporters isn’t the best way to get your stories told or your message out. With six PR pros to one journalist these days, getting through is a big part of the battle. The best thing you can do is get to know the reporters who write on your relevant beats and build a relationship with them based on trust. Can you use social media too? Here are 9 things you need to consider first.

What Did Zuckerberg Know? Lessons from Facebook’s Latest Scandal

June 13th, 2019 by

It’s not really news that more and more data issues are popping up at Facebook. The company’s business model is predicated on a deeply conflicted data scheme. Still, the company has hurt itself by failing to accept some of the basics of crisis management. Here are a few lessons from the latest Facebook scandal.

How Branded Content Can Capitalize on a National Holiday

June 7th, 2019 by

National days are a great way for brands to engage with not only influencers and fans on a topic, but also to reign in some new faces. Today, for National Doughnut Day (June 7), some brands like Dunkin’ and Krispy Kreme create actionable items to bring consumers through their doors. Others, like the Salvation Army regale us with nostalgia, teaching us about the importance of the origin of the holiday. And there are always those brands with icky content, trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

Why Smart SEO Happens Before Content Creation Even Begins

June 5th, 2019 by

Digital teams and SEO experts are no longer comprised strictly of data nerds and left-brainers, but include writers and journalists, sociologists, and anyone with a vested interest in better understanding how people search the web. With this trend, it’s also high time to remember that your content is best optimized for search when everyone in your organization embraces SEO from the start—including PR pros.

Webinar Recap: How to Prove Social Media ROI to the C-Suite

June 4th, 2019 by

Communicators can perform what looks like magic when they win approval from the C-suite. But what looks like magic starts with reading and understanding data, and presenting it in a comprehensive way. Check out the strategic takeaways from our webinar: How to Prove Social Media ROI to the C-Suite