Social Media & SEO


Peeling the Curtain Behind Click-Through Rates For Social Channels

September 10th, 2013 by

Who among this audience can be converted into a customer? For a growing number of PR pros, it’s the $64,000 question, particularly when it comes to how to valuate social media.

9 Tips for Successful PR Execution of Native Advertising

September 9th, 2013 by

“Native advertising,” PR communicators have learned, is a form of paid advertising placement where the ad experience follows the natural editorial form and function of the environment in which it’s placed.

Infographic: Google+ and Facebook Face Off

September 9th, 2013 by

Here’s a fascinating comparison of two social media behemoths from Social Annex. The graphic takes a look at everything from what people are doing on the platforms to the demographics of users.

Ability to Sustain The Message at Heart of Tumblr’s Growing Appeal

September 9th, 2013 by

When the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in August rolled out a Tumblr blog about the work of the nation’s intelligence community, it was just the latest in a growing list of U.S. government blogs on Tumblr. The feds now have more than 30 Tumblr blogs, including blogs for the Defense Department and the Internal Revenue Service, according to The New York Times.

Conquering Social Media Starts With Buy In From C-Level Executives

September 9th, 2013 by

Two high-profile B2B CEOs became unlikely cohorts in Twitter’ s 2013 freshman class: Berkshire Hathaway Chairman and CEO Warren Buffett and activist investor, Carl Icahn.

Case Study: Taco Bell’s New Recipe for Social Media Engagement: Look, Listen and Whip Up Some Dialogue With Fans

September 9th, 2013 by

In 2012, Taco Bell had more than 7 million Facebook fans, all of them garnered via organic growth. For many brands this would be more than adequate; in fact, for several brands the number is unimaginable.

Infographic: Internet Predictions for 2015

September 6th, 2013 by

PR pros are constantly trying to anticipate what the next big thing will be. This infographic, “The Internet in 2015,” from Cisco will give you an idea of how things are shaping up online.

3 Questions PR Pros Should Ask Before Posting on Facebook

September 5th, 2013 by

You already know you shouldn’t litter your Facebook community’s news feed with overt advertisements and bland marketing jargon, but what are the characteristics of the content you should be posting?

PR Insider: 7 SEO Basics Every PR Pro Should Know

September 5th, 2013 by

Content marketing is now a $44 billion industry. And with businesses planning to increase their budgets toward search engine optimization (SEO) by up to 44% this year, PR professionals must be savvy in digital communications tactics in order to remain in the game.

3 Tips for Building a Brand Community on Reddit

September 4th, 2013 by

Social media strategies are often limited and focus on less than a handful of networks. It’s no doubt difficult to roll out a discrete strategy on each and every social media platform, but that shouldn’t stop you from trying. Especially when it comes to a network like Reddit, where users devour content and spread it across their community.