3 Questions PR Pros Should Ask Before Posting on Facebook

Charles Territo
Charles Territo

You already know you shouldn't litter your Facebook community's news feed with overt advertisements and bland marketing jargon, but what are the characteristics of the content you should be posting? That is a question Charles Territo, senior VP of public affairs and marketing communications at American Traffic Solutions, will answer during his session, "How to Play by the Latest Rules of Engagement on Facebook" at the Oct. 16 PR News Digital PR Summit. Territo gives a preview of his presentation with a tidy list of questions you should ask before clicking "Post" on Facebook.

> Is it provocative? "Facebook has the potential to be a terrific tool for engagement," says Territo. "Challenging your followers with new ideas and thought-provoking posts helps encourage increased participation in the discussion."

> Is it appropriate? "Offending your followers is a recipe for disaster. Just as we encourage respectful debate and dialogue, we also hold ourselves to a similar standard of conduct."

> Is it timely or relevant? "We recognize that our followers read our posts because they have an interest in the subject matter. We want the information we give them to be relevant, informative and most of all up to date. We view our followers as an online army of supporters. To that end, they should be armed with the latest and greatest weaponry."

Want to ramp up your Facebook strategy? Register for PR News' October 16 Digital PR Summit, to be held in New York City.

Follow Lucia Davis: @LKCDavis.