

Will DOMA Ruling Open Door for More Inclusive Brand Messaging?

June 27th, 2013 by

As the courts finally begin to catch up with the way that attitudes in our culture are changing, this is a chance for brands to get ahead of the curve and reach out to all kinds of consumers and families.

When Will The NFL Decide That Enough Is Enough?

June 27th, 2013 by

New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez was arrested yesterday for murder and five other counts of gun-related crimes. In addition to Hernandez, Cleveland Browns’ Ausar Walcott was also arrested yesterday for attempted murder.

Video Pick: Paula Deen’s Today Show Non-Apology

June 27th, 2013 by

It’s been a little more than a week since we learned about Paula Deen’s damning deposition, in which the food queen uttered the ‘N’ word. But in that time Deen’s “sweet grandmother” image has suffered irreparable damage

Swing and a Miss; A-Rod’s Tweet Angers the Yankees

June 26th, 2013 by

Call it another strike in Alex Rodriguez’ clumsy efforts to cleanse his reputation. It’s also a cautionary tale about the proper use of Twitter when you’re a salaried employee.

3 Twitter Takeaways from the Hunt for #redpanda

June 26th, 2013 by

On Monday, the National Zoo alerted its more than 45,000 Twitter followers that Rusty the red panda was missing. What ensued was a social media search party that eventually led to his safe return.

Carnival CEO Steps Down After Disastrous Year

June 25th, 2013 by

Carnival Corp. announced today that CEO Mickey Arison will be stepping down. It’s been a tough year for the company—though passengers on February’s Carnival #cruisefromhell might argue they’ve suffered worse.

Can’t Tell a Story in 6 Seconds? You’re Not Trying

June 25th, 2013 by

Video is decidedly the most engaging content on the Web. With that in mind, there are many challenges and opportunities at stake for PR pros looking to leverage the medium. Tim Baker, vice president of digital strategy for MWW Group offers tips and tricks for the PR pro looking to master video content.

Firing of Zimmer Doesn’t Exactly Suit a Social Media Age

June 25th, 2013 by

In abruptly firing Men’s Wearhouse founder and executive chairman George Zimmer, the men’s clothing company has sent a few messages to the marketplace, none of which are likely to help the brand’s reputation or its PR efforts.

How to Transform Your Managers Into Pro Communicators

June 25th, 2013 by

One of the best bosses I ever had was a great communicator. He would take the time to sit down with his team and share important organizational news.

Firing of Zimmer Doesn’t Exactly Suit a Social Media Age

June 25th, 2013 by

In abruptly firing Men’s Wearhouse founder and executive chairman George Zimmer, the men’s clothing company has sent a few messages to the marketplace, none of which are likely to help the brand’s reputation or its PR efforts.