Stories by Nicole Schuman


Aviation Gin Provides Crash Course in Newsjacking of Peloton Ad

December 10th, 2019 by

When it comes to newsjacking, there’s a thin line between victory and defeat. Some brands can come off as desperate without well-crafted messaging. Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel with a new marketing campaign, sometimes a great strategy can come just from social listening.

Year-End Lists Provide Spark for PR Strategy

December 6th, 2019 by

What does the popularity of year-end lists mean for brands? A smorgasbord for media mentions, content shares and article placements. Giving the public what they want, in a usable package, is one of the finest public relations strategies used by companies like GIPHY and Uber. Lists inspire the media to spur further stories, as well as grab the attention of consumers.

On the Offense: How to Evaluate Your Crisis Plan

December 4th, 2019 by

The experts we talk to routinely stress the importance of having a crisis plan. Of course, it’s not enough simply to do the initial work—we must revise mindfully and make important adjustments. Join PRNEWS on Dec. 10 for Crisis Webinar: Why a Strong Defense is the Best Offense featuring representatives from Hyatt, Virginia Commonwealth University and Devine + Partners.

Social 2020: FTC Alerts Influencers via Video, Twitter Offers Users an Exit

December 1st, 2019 by

What’s ahead for social media in 2020? For starters, it appears the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will continue to hound brands and influencers who misrepresent themselves to consumers on social. Fortunately, the FTC has re-issued its guidelines in a plain-language format. There’s even a video.

Holiday Pop-Up Product Success in Just Four Steps

November 25th, 2019 by

While these may seem like gag gifts for some, influencers and super fans will fork over serious cash to own a piece of brand loyalty—which they can show off from all social media platforms. It’s probably too late to get on the trendy grab list for this year, but there is something to be learned from brands like Red Lobster, Hidden Valley Ranch and others, going the extra mile to connect with their consumers.

PR and Communications Pros on Slack: Join the Community

November 20th, 2019 by

At PRNEWS, we thought about how to utilize Slack to connect our readership and community. How could we leverage the relationships we’ve built with amazing contacts to benefit those outside of our circle, and bolster an entire community? And with that, we created the PR and Communications Pros Slack group.

PRNEWS to Announce 2019 Agency Elite Awards Winners in NYC

November 15th, 2019 by

This year’s Agency Elite Awards winners will be announced at PRNEWS’ Top Places to Work and Agency Elite Awards luncheon, Nov. 21 at the Yale Club in New York City. The awards denote excellence in PR agencies’ key practice areas, from community relations, thought leadership and social media to integrated communications, branding and business to business messaging.

Real-Life Experience is the New PR

November 11th, 2019 by

Messages now flood our digital channels, and these messages are usually drawn from experience. Morning Consult released a new survey on influencer marketing that found 61 percent of participants are likely to support and talk about brands they love, without—get this—being paid. Without any brand prodding or pushing, consumers have become a public relations channel for companies. And hopefully, most of what they are saying is good news.

Can Airbnb Convince Users of Safety after the Orinda Shooting?

November 5th, 2019 by

Airbnb gives users a lot of freedom. It allows people to become entrepreneurs and host strangers in their homes. In addition, travelers can forgo expensive and occasionally bland hotels for the comforts of home, or the adventures of living as a local. But with freedom comes responsibility. After a tragic event occurred at one of its host properties, the company worked quickly to limit the PR damage.

Big Companies Making a Local Impact: Lessons from Past CSR Award Winners

October 29th, 2019 by

ost consumers get a little boost when they learn the brands they support practice an element of social good. Corporate Social Responsibility, affectionately referred to in the communications world as CSR, provides an organization with the opportunity to give back and make a difference. As the entry deadline for the 2020 PRNEWS Nonprofit/CSR Awards looms, we take a look at several past winners who really leaned into the mission of creating change.