Stories by Nicole Schuman


NFL Launches 100th Season Amidst Continual PR Turmoil

September 6th, 2019 by

The 100th season of the National Football League got underway earlier this week, with the sort of pomp and circumstance this television behemoth is known for generating. Yet professional football, America’s most popular sport, is showing more than a few cracks. You’d not know it, however, to listen to the vague responses to real issues that emanate from the league office in NY.

Social Platforms Cheat Sheet: A Look at Key Differences

September 5th, 2019 by

Trying to plan out or refurbish a social strategy can seem overwhelming. Gone are the days where brands can set and forget a strategy for a year. A social plan evolves with not only brand changes and promotions, but also platform innovations and announcements. Before you sit down and decide on content and where to post that content, you need to take a look at the intended audience and goals.

Webinar Recap: Boost Coverage With Your Own Brand Newsroom

August 30th, 2019 by

During our Aug. 22 PRNEWS Webinar, “Boost Coverage With Your Own Brand Newsroom,” Jennifer Nycz-Conner, director of brand communications at Hilton, Kevin Deane, digital design director at Northeastern University, and Jen Schertz, senior communications manager for Certified Angus Beef, discussed their organizations’ journeys to build and nourish in-house brand newsrooms that gain the attention of the media and appropriate audiences.

How Doritos Scrapped Its Logo to Engage Gen Z

August 28th, 2019 by

On Monday, PepsiCo Inc., the parent company of Frito-Lay’s iconic Doritos chips launched a new advertising campaign during the annual entertainment celebrating the pulse of youth culture—the MTV Video Music Awards. The campaign, titled “Another Level,” removes all logos and names from Doritos packaging, leaving behind unmarked bags of blue and red, and the archetypal triangle snack shape.

Google’s Community Guidelines Demonstrate a Tighter Internal Comms Grip

August 26th, 2019 by

As a company grows, so does its variety of personalities and backgrounds, which contribute to the promotion of diverse creations and thinking, ultimately making an organization more well-rounded. However, growth can yield growing pains, and at almost 100,000 employees strong, Google management felt it needed to revisit and remind its workforce of the importance of work and reel in what it saw as wasteful and hurtful discussions.

QUIZ: Are You PR Career Savvy?

August 23rd, 2019 by

Fall is right around the corner, and while it marks a new school year on the calendar for many students, parents and teachers, it may also inspire a change up for your current job situation. Whether you are just starting your career, wanting to move up the corporate ladder or just expand your network, there are right and wrong ways to go about applying for jobs and the interview process. Take this quiz to see if you are on the path to success, or need a little brush-up on your job-seeking skills.

Lessons for PR Pros From Denali National Park’s Crisis Comms for Stranded Visitors

August 19th, 2019 by

Whether it be flight delays, shark sightings, wildfires or mudslides, tourism public relations pros should hope for the best, but always prepare for the worst, especially in the summer during peak vacation time. Denali National Park showed preparedness, and a quick resolution of a scary situation, which many organizations would be right to mirror. These takeaways can help guide your brand through the worst crisis.

How to Career Jump from Journalism to Public Relations

August 16th, 2019 by

Journalism remains one of the most volatile careers due to industry mergers, political attacks, and the gutting of resources to maximize profits. In the past month we’ve seen GateHouse Media announce an incorporation with Gannett and CBS combining its assets with Viacom, withering away an already sparse news ownership scene. While an important and exciting job, for some the pressures and layoffs are too numerous and frequent, and enough is enough.

PR Lessons in Mergers From the CBS-Viacom Deal

August 14th, 2019 by

There’s no arguing about the importance of a steel-toed communication plan for a company merger. External AND internal communications need to be orchestrated in respect to many audiences—investors, employees, consumers, the media and more. It can be somewhat overwhelming for those involved to perform with speed and accuracy, all the while keeping a brave face for those unsure of an acquisition’s future impact.

Can Equinox and SoulCycle Recover From a Brand Values Disconnect?

August 8th, 2019 by

We live in an era with unparalleled access to information. Anyone can search for a name for a background check on a person’s work, family or interests. Every company should continue to vet investors and senior management on an annual basis, especially during sensitive political times.