Archive: June 2016


Mayo Clinic social media policy template

June 15th, 2016 by

Mayo Clinic social media policy template (click to view)

Pacific Northwest Laboratory Communications-IT Org Chart

June 15th, 2016 by

Pacific Northwest Laboratory comms-IT org chart (click link to view)

How to Deal With a PR RFP (Request for Proposals)

June 15th, 2016 by

If you’ve been in the PR business for a while, you no doubt have come across a PR request for proposals. An RFP can be an opportunity for your business or it can be a frustrating waste of time. Before you decide if you want to submit a response, you need to think it through and ask a bunch of questions.

PR Measurement: 4 Basic Elements for the Uninitiated

June 14th, 2016 by

Most American adults know exercise and diet are critical to a healthy, fulfilling life. Still, only about half of us get the amount of exercise the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends. It’s similar when it comes to PR measurement. PR pros know it’s important to measure, but measurement itself often is done minimally or skipped altogether.

3 Keys to Snapchat Success From DJ Khaled

June 14th, 2016 by

Snapchat continues to do well because it acts as a private portal into the lives of our friends—lives that are distinctively unfiltered, raw and often utterly mundane. It’s this window of authenticity that keeps users flocking to the app. And at this point, it’s the only way for organizations to have any kind of success on Snapchat. Brands like Taco Bell continue to post creative and compelling content on the platform, but there’s perhaps only one personality on the social network that truly embodies the philosophy of Snapchat: DJ Khaled.

The Week in PR

June 13th, 2016 by

Sometimes brands respond to an issue with a statement. Other times a good response is to monitor the situation and work behind the scenes. For most brands, it’s barely noticeable when Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers decides to eschew milk and cheese to gain strength, reduce inflammation in his joints, lose weight and extend his career. If you’re a Packers fan, who affectionately dons a cheese headpiece on fall Sundays, such intolerance for lactose is a concern. Should you happen to be from top U.S. cheese maker Wisconsin, whose license plates declare it the Dairy State, well, the 32-year-old’s oath could be tantamount to an affront to good manners. After all, for years Sargento, the family-owned, Wisconsin-based cheese maker, has been kicking in $1,500 after every Packers touchdown to charities feeding the needy.

Microsoft to Acquire LinkedIn, Boost Its Reach

June 13th, 2016 by

Microsoft has finally become a player in the social media arena: It has entered into an agreement to acquire LinkedIn for $26.2 billion, the software giant announced on June 13. LinkedIn is to keep its branding, and its CEO, Jeff Weiner. Aside from intra-organization network Yammer (acquired in 2012), this will be Microsoft’s first widely used social media platform.

21 Social Media Insights, Ideas and Aha Moments for PR Pros

June 13th, 2016 by

Several themes bubbled to the surface of the PR News Digital PR & Marketing Conference, attended by hundreds of PR and marketing professionals. Among them were: storytelling should be shared by all employees; ignore video at your own peril; influencers and peer networks are critical to reputation management, social media is a top way to build brand awareness but the jury’s still out on its ability to drive revenue. And I’ve bent over backwards and compiled for you a list of 21 insights and ideas from our esteemed speakers because great ideas should be shared.

Revenue Grows, But Labor Costs Stop Firms From Reaching 20% Profitability

June 13th, 2016 by

Confucius said, “Life is simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” The same holds for PR firms and profitably. Data supplied exclusively to PR News Pro by Gould + Partners reveals none of the 106 PR firms, which were grouped by net revenue, reached 20% profitability, the industry benchmark. Individually, some firms polled for this 2016 study had 30% profitability, others were far less. The groups failed to reach 20% profitability in the ’14 and ’15 surveys, too.

How to Ensure Your PR Team Is Engaged, Motivated and Appreciated

June 13th, 2016 by

In most cases employees are, and will always be, a brand’s greatest asset. They drive in-house and agency success. Engaging them should be the highest priority. It’s the CEO’s responsibility to help achieve a singular, straightforward vision that propels the business and energizes employees to be best in class, renowned for unrivaled talent, forward-thinking capabilities and unrelenting client service. Achieving a vision like this requires building an incredible company spirit where every employee feels that “we are in this together” and maintaining an exceptional culture that embraces doing something different for clients, colleagues and the community. Central to the creation of this shared passion for success is a dedicated plan for actively engaging and motivating employees.