Social Media is Transforming into a Social Marketplace (Infographic)

More than three-quarters (81%) of online shoppers make purchasing decisions based on Facebook and Twitter friend recommendations. And according to a MarketMeSuite study, nearly 40 million teenagers (13-18) admitted that social media sways purchasing decisions.

The study indicates that social media is dramatically changing the way we shop. The infographic below expands on that notion and breaks down some of the study’s  key findings.


Follow Caysey Welton: @CayseyW

4 responses to “Social Media is Transforming into a Social Marketplace (Infographic)

  1. I found your short article and infographic especially interesting because my brother is about to launch a clothing line. Before funding was granted, textiles were ordered and logos were finalized, online platforms were already being discussed. Without a doubt my brother has the potential to gain so much hype via social media without even having to had make a single sale yet. But when he does and that following then starts posting about their new purchases they will be able to be influence the next purchaser. Here lies the greatness of social media and consumerism.

    From an PR standpoint this is so important because of how dramatically social media has become an essential tool in a Public Relation professionals work life. Although, press releases and news conferences may never lose their creditability in the PR world social media tactics will join them right at the front. It is the brands responsibility to be up to date and current and being involved in social media allows them just that. Social media will now be the most immediate from of PR dialogue between the brand and the consumers. When time is of the essence in PR then social media is your vessel.

    Great infographic!!!

    Katie Saul Dubienski

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