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Today is Amazon Prime Day. It's a day (or two) of deep discounts on everything from electronics to apparel and household items. But the highly publicized event has grabbed headlines instead for timed global protests and a work stoppage in Minnesota. Some Amazon staff are upset with working conditions and employment policies. Amazon has not publicly responded—and what happens next is an important case study in handling an internal comms crisis.
Big corporations can often find themselves in the middle of a crisis, whether intentional or unintentional. Google’s success contributed to the dominant wealth of Silicon Valley, and the corresponding real estate increases. Other companies have also been caught in the crosshairs of natural, ethical and cultural disasters. Their response or silence can determine future success. What are the key tactics for companies to emerge graciously from a fall from favor?
Under the banner of "Bringing Peace, Love & Music Back to the Planet," Woodstock 50 "will give generations of fans the opportunity to join together in the festival's foundational intent of harmony and compassion." After delayed ticket sales, deflection, a bailing investor and a court order, we ask: is this the right way to brand utopia?
How does an airline that hasn’t sold a ticket since 2001 appeal to the public and resurrect a brand? We asked Sara Joseph, SVP, lifestyle & hospitality lead at BerlinRosen, TWA Hotel’s PR firm of record, about re-rolling out a brand that sparks fond memories and has an opportunity to tell its story to a new generation.
There are more anxiety-producing things than attending a networking event. Sometimes, though, it seems that list is short. On the other hand, networking works, according to five senior PR pros who shared their wisdom during a recent event in Dallas. Similar to most endeavors, it's best to have a plan before you begin networking, the communicators said, and being yourself and following-up are musts.

Skinny 04242019

April 24th, 2019 by
PR News the SKINNY on PR    04/24/2019 What You're Sharing How to Measure Relevance, Influence and Media Coverage You Have a Crisis. Now What? You Have a Crisis. Now What? How Communicators Can Think… Continued