Social Media & SEO


How Pinterest Can Help B2B Brands Drive Traffic and Enhance Storytelling

March 27th, 2017 by

Pinterest is no longer just for brides. Recent data indicate its audience is rapidly diversifying, as men join the network at a growth rate of 70% year over year, although women remain its dominant followers. The site’s audience growth and diversification further underscore the idea that Pinterest is an untapped opportunity for B2B communication pros. Here’s how to take advantage of this platform.

Wikileaks Sees Consumer Engagement With Tweets up 1000% Year Over Year

March 27th, 2017 by

It’s a truism that brands must be on social media. The important question, though, is what platforms are best for your brand? In terms of Twitter, it depends on whether or not you are a B2C or B2B brand, according to data from Shareablee provided exclusively to PR News Pro.

3 Facebook Content Marketing Tips for B2B Firms

March 24th, 2017 by

The competition for attention on Facebook is intense, and seems to grow more heated every day. Just because somebody is following your brand on the site doesn’t mean they’ll automatically engage with your content. Yet, one of the most common mistakes content marketers make on Facebook is in focusing too much on lead generation and not enough on building a community and offering content of real value, says Chad Berndtson, director of content marketing and social media at B2B cyber security firm Palo Alto Networks.

4 Best Practices for Snapchat Geofilters

March 23rd, 2017 by

Many brands, agencies and nonprofits, no matter what their budget, have seen great results when incorporating On-Demand Geofilters into their marketing strategies for our clients. In the PR News Social Media Guidebook, Christine Wilson of MtoM Consulting provides readers a wealth of information about growing a Snapchat strategy and audience from tabula rasa. Here are her top tips to help you design effective Geofilters while maximizing your budget.

Are You Making These 4 Video Mistakes on Social?

March 22nd, 2017 by

Video features, even live video, are ubiquitous now on social media. “Just press this button and post a video!” we’re urged. This may lull PR practitioners into the false sense that creating a good video for social is as easy as creating a video. But not so. Thoughtful video production is important, and it’s attainable even for those of us who didn’t go to film school and don’t have large budgets.

Movers & Shakers Award Winners Announced by PR News and Social Shake-Up

March 21st, 2017 by

At its Social Shake-Up Show in Atlanta May 22-24, PR News will celebrate its first annual Movers & Shakers Awards winners—communicators from b2b and b2c companies, nonprofit organizations and agencies who have produced measurable, positive results from their social media efforts on behalf of their organizations.

Be Like Cisco: Let Employees Take Over Your Snapchat

March 16th, 2017 by

Do you have the guts to cede control of your social media to employees? This takes trust, but according to Carmen Collins, social media lead for Cisco’s Talent Brand team, it can be a rewarding way to get out your message, promote the brand’s culture and build your following.

Why iMessage Is Key for Dunkin’ Donuts in the Era of Ad Blocking

March 15th, 2017 by

How many times have you received a text message you didn’t look at? The answer is most likely “almost never.” In fact, text messages receive a 98% open rate and mobile messaging is the No. 1 most frequently used feature on our phones. This unlocks a world of creative opportunity for brands. In a time when ad blocking is the new normal, marketers must embrace choice-based ad offerings in the quest for true attention. Luckily, there’s a ripe opportunity to reach the nearly 1 billion iPhone users out there with something they’ll actually appreciate—in iMessage.

How to Lose a Customer and Tarnish Your Brand in One Easy (Mis)Step

March 13th, 2017 by

Rarely do I mess with cookies, except to eat them. But an experience over the last two weeks with a furniture retailer had me clearing the cookies from my computer. So annoyed was I by… Continued

Snapchat’s Latest Copycat—Facebook Messenger

March 9th, 2017 by

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, Snapchat must be feeling full of itself this week. Even before everyone had a chance to absorb the news and implications of Instagram’s new geostickers, parent company Facebook officially launched Messenger Day, another clone of Snapchat’s “Stories” format, for iOS and Android.