Social Media & SEO

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What Facebook’s Latest AI Acquisition Means for Communicators

July 6th, 2018 by

Facebook’s acquisition of Bloomsbury AI spells big things for communicators as they increasingly rely on automation tools in order to better interface with audiences. But there are two applications of Bloomsbury’s tech in particular that will help Facebook regain its recent lapse in trust with communicators and consumers alike.

4 Ways Verizon Uses SEO to Proactively Turn the Tide of Crisis

July 5th, 2018 by

During crisis moments, PR professionals tend to focus on how stakeholders and audiences view their brand or client. But of growing concern is what search engines see when a negative news story hits. Whether you’re focusing on crisis proactively or after the fact (and most PR pros would agree you really should be doing both), search engine optimization has a crucial role to play. Here are four ways communicators can learn from Verizon’s SEO practices when it comes to preparing for, monitoring and addressing crises.

The PR Lessons Behind Scarlett Johansson’s Social Media Trouble

July 5th, 2018 by

Scarlett Johansson’s in hot water for accepting the role of a transgender character in the upcoming film “Rub & Tug.” Critics on social media and elsewhere contend the role should have gone to a transgender actor. The water temperature rose considerably after Johansson issued a curt reply to critics. Traditional PR recommends a more apologetic approach. Will Johansson’s rejoinder work?

The @WeAreCisco Approach to Devising Instagram KPIs

July 3rd, 2018 by

Now that Instagram has surpassed its billion-user mark, competition for attention on the platform is heating up. Instagram content must be positioned even more strategically in order to cut through the din.

Casie Shimansky, social media manager at the technology company’s talent recruitment brand @WeAreCisco, notes that Instagram’s growth has her team of two constantly testing their approach to content.

How to Bolster Your Facebook Marketing Effort When You Lack a Large Budget and Ample Time

July 1st, 2018 by

Each month we ask communicators to unload their toolkits and tell us what falls out. In other words, What do you use to do your job? There are few better to talk about Facebook marketing than Ryder Meehan, principal & strategist, Meehan Digital, and a former social marketer at Fossil and Samsung, among others, and James Nickerson, lead instructor, digital marketing at General Assembly.

How to Upgrade Your Pitching by Researching and Targeting Reporters Using Social Media

July 1st, 2018 by

In our regular feature that looks at presentations, we present slides that offer suggestions on how to pitch media using social media. The thing is, don’t use social media to pitch. On the other hand, it can be very useful to research your targeted reporters and build relationships with them.

Three Ways to Use Instagram’s IGTV for Your Brand Strategy

June 29th, 2018 by

It’s the early days for Instagram’s IGTV, a mobile-first, YouTube-esq social experience that will facilitate longer, vertical videos. It also will let brands get closer to audiences and allow people to discover them. Bell’s social media manager David Wolpert offers three ways communicators can work with IGTV to tell their brand’s stories.

Instagram Gets Topical With Video Chat, Channels and Influencer-Designed Filters

June 27th, 2018 by

This month, talk of Instagram’s bold new features has been everywhere. On June 20, the platform announced it has surpassed 1 billion active monthly users. One week later, Instagram now launches three features that were teased at Facebook’s F8 event.

3 Brands Perfectly Capturing Summer on Instagram

June 22nd, 2018 by

Now that Instagram considers everyone to be a creator on IGTV, we all can learn from the numerous ways that brands are crushing it with their photos and videos on the platform this summer. While brands aren’t exactly pumping out the summer fun on IGTV just yet, here are three examples of brands that have perfectly captured summer elsewhere on the platform.

The Cold-Scroll Reality of Facebook Live

June 22nd, 2018 by

Brands need to understand that a Facebook Live audience will be joining cold and that they are most likely going to be distracted. “Many brands have interpreted Facebook Live as being like TV and have taken a chat show approach to it,” says FleishmanHillard’s Chris Jackson. “Facebook Live and TV could not be more different.”