Social Media & SEO


Social Media and Public Relations Begin With Strategic Planning

August 22nd, 2013 by

If you were to Google “social media and public relations strategy,” millions of articles, blog posts, videos and other resources would pop up on this popular subject. Journalists, new influencers and well-known authors continue to write on this topic.

Leonard’s Tips on Quality Writing Go Viral

August 21st, 2013 by

The great mystery writer Elmore Leonard passed away yesterday. The Internet lit up. And interestingly, it was as much about his tips for great writing as it was for his brilliant work.

3 Tips for PR Pros Getting Into Media Buying

August 21st, 2013 by

In yet another new discipline to add to their wheelhouse, PR agencies are starting to get into the media buying space. PR News spoke with Matthew Browher,
 senior VP, digital strategist at Ketchum, who provided the following three tips for PR pros looking to adapt media buying practices.

3 Brand Examples to Follow on Pinterest

August 20th, 2013 by

Pinterest is a social media platform that can be difficult for brands to penetrate. Dominated by “DIY” and digital dream house wish lists, companies trying to break into the space need to be innovative. You can’t just pin a snapshot of your latest product and call it a day.

LinkedIn Looking to Expand Its Audience

August 19th, 2013 by

With social media demographics beginning to skew older, LinkedIn is bucking the trend by targeting two new demographics–teenagers and college students. Beginning September 12, LinkedIn will be available globally to users 13 and up. Not only that, but University Pages have been rolled out.

5 Media Relations Tips to Memorize During a Crisis

August 19th, 2013 by

Crises can happen when you least expect it, and it can be tempting to run around panicking, shouting “Danger, Will Robinson!” and eventually collapsing into a heap. Don’t do that.

Cross-Functional Efforts Key to Social Marketing

August 19th, 2013 by

The rapid growth of social channels, blogs and LinkedIn has grabbed the attention of professionals throughout most every organization. And public relations departments, of course, have been among the earliest adopters of social media.

Avoid the ‘Snapchat’ Press Release

August 18th, 2013 by

I was at a PR News Conference a couple of weeks ago, and during a Q&A with a panel critiquing press inquiries, the question came up of when and how to follow-up with a non-responsive… Continued

5 Tips for PR Pros Starting Out on Instagram

August 16th, 2013 by

Not all social media platforms are created equal. Each one has its own unwritten rules and regulations.

5 Reasons Brands Should Go Live

August 15th, 2013 by

What do The New York Times, the Huffington Post and Verizon Wireless all have in common? All three brands have moved from real-time communications to “live” broadcasting—through video.