

Eclectic Mix of Summer Events Helps Spark Engagement For N.Y.’s Soon-to-Be Refurbished South Street Seaport

September 30th, 2013 by

Lower Manhattan is about to get a major facelift. This week marks the start of a $200 million redevelopment project at South Street Seaport’s Pier 17. When development is finished in 2015 or 2016, there will

Managers Still Need Better Employee Evaluation Metrics

September 27th, 2013 by

According to a recent Mercer Global Performance Management Survey, company leaders still have work to do to gauge staff performance. The study surveyed business leaders from more than 1,000 organizations in 53 countries.

CEO PR Gaffe of the Week, Barilla Edition

September 27th, 2013 by

What is it about CEOs? How can so many of them be so smart and so accomplished, and yet still say so many bad or dumb things? It’s enough to keep a communications team up at night—and if they get to sleep, they have anxiety-driven nightmares. Just this week, Guido Barilla, the CEO of one […]

CEO PR Gaffe of the Week, Barilla Edition

September 27th, 2013 by

What is it about CEOs? How can so many of them be so smart and so accomplished, and yet still say so many bad or dumb things? It’s enough to keep a communications team up… Continued

One Expert’s Take on Why Instagram Hasn’t Killed Vine

September 27th, 2013 by

Tim Baker, VP of digital strategy at MWW, explains why the “little social-video platform that could” is alive and thriving.

Need More Impressions on Facebook? Here Are 3 Ways to Do it.

September 26th, 2013 by

Regardless of how the FTC investigation into Facebook’s new privacy changes turns out, one thing isn’t likely to change: If no one interacts with your page’s content, it won’t show up on users News Feeds.

PR Insider: Bridging the Gap Between Teachers and the Media

September 26th, 2013 by

As a PR professional who has helped educators nationwide become media spokespeople and advocates, I am only too aware that the reasons for the disconnect between teachers and the press are complex. I also know that the media is a powerful lever that can help shift the poor public perception of teachers, a change that is long overdue.

On the Art of Critical Listening

September 25th, 2013 by

I was quoted in the newspaper the other day. The quote was technically inaccurate—I didn’t say what the reporter wrote that I said. But it was correct in the substance. In effect, the reporter understood my meaning, and got it right, but wasn’t writing down or transcribing my words verbatim. The quote was an approximation, […]

On the Art of Critical Listening

September 25th, 2013 by

I was quoted in the newspaper the other day. The quote was technically inaccurate—I didn’t say what the reporter wrote that I said. But it was correct in the substance. In effect, the reporter understood… Continued

Helping CEOs to Help Themselves By Having A Social Media Presence

September 25th, 2013 by

The dearth of C-level executives on social media presents an opportunity for PR pros to step in and help CEOs build a valuable presence on social channels.