

Crisis Communications Lessons From the Campaign Trail

May 12th, 2016 by

The 2016 presidential election has been nothing short of a spectacle, turning traditional political conventions (no pun intended) squarely on their head. And just as this election has forced the political establishment to alter its strategies, business organizations must re-evaluate how to approach the unpredictable and unforgiving crises they face in today’s new media landscape.

Social Media: Why Communicators Should Play by the Rules…or Not

May 11th, 2016 by

After a recent afternoon of listening to social media experts, it’s clear many of us are unknowingly interacting on virgin land on a daily basis. Certainly social media has been legitimized. Nearly every business has a social presence, as do nearly 90% of the 193 U.N. country governments and world leaders, even the Pope, a Burson-Marsteller report says.

Digital Dream Team org chart

May 11th, 2016 by

Org chart courtesy of social@Ogilvy.

Social Media: Why Communicators Should Play by the Rules…or Not

May 11th, 2016 by

“I just want to get away from it all” is a popular refrain, especially around vacation time. It could be one of the reasons reality shows about Alaska have been so popular—uncharted territory can be… Continued

8 Body Language Recommendations for Broadcast Interviews

May 11th, 2016 by

Scenario: You’re a veteran PR pro leading communications for a suddenly hot start-up, and you’ve just gotten a request from a broadcast network for a live interview that day with your 22-year-old CEO. These tips for managing body language during a broadcast interview are going to come in might handy.

Why Your Brand Should Have LinkedIn Guidelines for Employees

May 11th, 2016 by

Many companies don’t even refer to LinkedIn in their social media policies, much less provide guidance on how to use LinkedIn effectively. By contrast, policies frequently describe how employees are to behave with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others. As a result, companies are taking a big risk with LinkedIn if employees “go rogue” and don’t consider their company’s brand when writing their LinkedIn profiles.

How to Turn Data into Different Infographics for Different Audiences

May 10th, 2016 by

As communications professionals, a significant part of our job is to tell well-developed stories that engage target audiences. With recent research suggesting that brands have less than four seconds to hold consumers’ attention on a web page before they move on, it’s important now more than ever to consider the various vehicles to tell our stories in a compelling way.

5 Ways Right-Brained PR Pros Can Use Google Analytics

May 10th, 2016 by

Google’s free tool has the power to transform a brand’s understanding of its online presence, which can only lead to a better experience for users. Putting this analytics tool to work within a larger measurement framework has the potential to unleash a kind of transparency to PR work that was at one time unimaginable. This allows communicators to make well-informed decisions backed by data, which can then be used to concretely prove their team’s business contributions to the C-suite.

tired at computer

3 Storytelling Tips for Keeping Webinar Audiences Engaged

May 9th, 2016 by

Digital technology is wonderful, right? The digital world can be at your fingertips. Yes, but that digital world, in the form of a mobile phone or laptop, can be a tempting distraction to tune out a speaker during a meeting, a conference and especially a webinar.

6 Crisis Communications Tips To Help You Spot Impending Problems

May 9th, 2016 by

Here are some procedures to build an infrastructure that prepares you to monitor and use social media during crisis communication.