

How to Make Sure Your Daily News Briefing Is Read Every Day

June 21st, 2017 by

Do employees at your brand read the daily news briefing only during a crisis and on days when products launch? If so, you’re missing a big opportunity to frame internal communications. To counter sporadic reading habits you need to keep the content of the daily briefing relevant and broaden the scope of articles when your brand’s goals change. Here are best practices that will serve you and augment the importance of the PR function.

White House Is Shaping Public Perceptions of PR, Practitioners Say—and That’s Not Good

June 20th, 2017 by

You think nobody is paying attention to the White House communications team and whether or not it’s influencing the public’s perception of the PR industry? Not so, says a new survey from USC’s Annenberg School. And as the last few weeks have shown, communications, whether at the White House, other parts of Washington, D.C. or at your brand’s offices, can be a high stakes affair.

How Facebook, Snapchat and Pinterest Help Generate and Track Sales

June 20th, 2017 by

For many businesses, leads and sales are primary KPIs. But before you can track sales, you have to generate them—and standing out from the crowd on social media is no easy task. Online consumers can anticipate when ads are coming and know when and how to skip them. Fortunately, major platforms, including Facebook, Snapchat and Pinterest, continue to develop new technologies to help generate and track sales, helping to prove the ROI of social media ads.

6 Tips for New PR Grads

June 19th, 2017 by

It’s nearly the end of graduation season. What this means, of course, is that graduates will be looking for jobs. It’s estimated that there will be 1.1 million undergraduate degrees granted this year. Nearly 10% of those graduates majored in communications and journalism. Do the math. The competition for good-paying positions will be stiff. In truth, that’s usually the case. Here are 6 tips from a veteran of the PR and journalism wars that can help you get where you want to go.

5 Best Practices for Earning Online Reviews

June 19th, 2017 by

Cultivating a body of reviews is an important aspect of engaging with your customers on social. It can further establish you as a reputable brand, teach you which areas you could be improving on, boost SEO, start important conversations and more. If you’re not getting reviews—or if you’re only getting them from one kind of customer (satisfied, dissatisfied, one-time, returning, etc.) you might be missing out on a lot of useful information.

How CompTIA Uses Instagram to Attract Millennials to IT

June 19th, 2017 by

Kelly Stone is on a mission to evangelize careers in information technology. As the senior social media manager for CompTIA, a nonprofit trade association for Information Technology professionals, Stone is tasked with softening the IT industry’s image to a younger demographic. And Instagram has emerged as one of her most effective weapons in fighting negative stereotypes. Here are four ways she uses the platform to humanize the industry and her own organization.

The Bell System: How Taco Bell Assesses a Social Situation Before It Responds

June 19th, 2017 by

In part II of our interview with Taco Bell’s social media and brand engagement manager Matt Prince, we ask him about how the brand manages during the initial moments of a potential crisis. With 7,000 restaurants across the country, incidents pop up constantly, he tells us, making social listening crucial. We also discuss the particulars of how Prince and his team measurement and report metrics to the C-Suite.

4 Ways to Change the Paid, Owned and Earned Media Structure

June 15th, 2017 by

If the lines between paid, owned and earned media have become blurred, why is the internal structure at most organizations still so linear? In this commentary, Brooks Thomas, social business advisor with Southwest Airlines, argues for a more integrated approach and provides four tips for smaller organizations looking to bust down the silos between those three types of content.

bonderman in 2014, ny times, uber, board

How Not to Be Uber: Spot Unconscious Biases in Your Organization

June 15th, 2017 by

Uber is facing another PR crisis after a June 13 sexist boardroom exchange led to the ouster of board member David Bonderman. This shows Uber’s discriminatory culture is still deeply ingrained at the highest levels, according to Jessica Fish, senior consultant at Leader Networks. And the incident serves as a reminder for communicators to examine their own personal beliefs and workplaces for implicit and unconscious biases about race and gender long before they are exposed in a public setting.

Learn to Write Snappily From Snapchat and Hemingway

June 14th, 2017 by

Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address contained fewer than 300 words and it’s considered one of the greatest speeches in the history of this country. In an era when we can tap out brief, usually cogent, messages on social media platforms, why do many of us revert to long, Proustian prose when we get behind the keyboard in our offices? Let’s do away with lengthy press releases, laden with jargon and numerous buzzwords. Perhaps social media and Papa Hemingway can help solve this epidemic in the making.