

How to Use Bolstering Messages to Grow Brand Trust

July 21st, 2020 by

It’s an understatement to say that people have been through a lot during the past few months. As a result, they are looking for reassurance. In addition, they want to know how your company contributed to solving problems during the pandemic. Show them as you craft bolstering messages. Here’s how to do it.

Vegas, Disneyland Pivot Messaging for Visitor Safety

June 25th, 2020 by

There is plenty for PR pros to learn as they watch America’s tourist playgrounds pivot with the increase of coronavirus cases in the south and west. Public officials and companies are scrambling to massage initial guidelines that bolster health and safety for visitors. The state of Nevada and its Las Vegas casinos are walking a fine line as they take a stand in the politicized debate around mask wearing.

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How to Better Position Your Messaging for Readers

June 22nd, 2020 by

Do your messages resonate with audience members? They do if you remember that readers want you to solve their problems. One way to ensure your communication works is to make a grammatical distinction between features, advantages and benefits. Ann Wylie offers an example.

texting young people

Cross-Cultural Marketing and Messaging During a Dual Pandemic

June 8th, 2020 by

We’re at a crossroads, so the question is not whether brands should speak out, but how. Yet lacking an authentic message backed up with action, brands can be headed for disaster. In addition, before wading into multicultural communication and marketing, know your audience, be respectful and commit to a long-term commitment.

Fidelity Investments utilizers influencers on Instagram to build women's financial education community.

Ch. 11 Communication: Consistent, Goal-Based Messaging in a Fishbowl

June 2nd, 2020 by

COVID-19 continues to weave its way across the globe, bringing physical and economic sickness. We examine best practices for strategically communicating bankruptcies, including Chapter 11. The keys are well-known communications tactics: consistency, clarity and goal-oriented.

Mental Health Month Messaging Goals Come to COVID Forefront

May 27th, 2020 by

In a way, the pandemic brings the stigma of mental illness to the forefront, making Mental Health Month more important than ever before. The communications tactics for the month may have pivoted to meld with the ongoing COVID crisis. If anything, the message may be clearer than ever that mental health needs to be a priority. 

How Brands Can Craft Messages Around Financial Relief

May 22nd, 2020 by

Nearly everyone’s hurting from the pandemic, so when big brands ask for relief when the little guy isn’t able to, it could hurt brands’ reputations. Accordingly, brands need to be particularly aware of the court of public opinion when they seek financial relief. Careful messaging and other tactics can help soften reputation damage, PR pros say.

Airbnb CEO Delivers Empathetic, Transparent Message Regarding Layoffs

May 7th, 2020 by

As of today, 33.5 million Americans have filed for unemployment. And it appears no one, even global tech and service companies, are immune to the economic downturn. On May 5, Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky sent… Continued

Tyson Foods’ Messaging Goals Unclear in Full-Page NYT Advertorial

April 27th, 2020 by

While the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis in America resulted in empty toilet paper shelves, Tyson Foods may have unofficially announced the second wave of panic buying—chicken and meat products.  The chicken producer chose to… Continued

Shake Shack Clearly Communicates Why It Returned Government Loan

April 20th, 2020 by

Burger chain Shake Shack announced today it will return $10 million it received from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). The $349 billion federal program allowed small businesses to apply for relief during the COVID-19 crisis.… Continued