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Applying Communications Research to Solve PR Challenges

June 2nd, 2020 by

Mark Weiner discusses research showing how media relations opportunities change as the pandemic curve flattens. In short, as countries re-open, opportunities for pitching become less stringent.

How to Model Predictions for Post-COVID-19 Behavior

May 26th, 2020 by

We’ve all heard about the new normal, but what does it look like in the sector you represent? One way to find out is to use predictive landscapes that help communicators build possible behavioral models. Here’s an example using the travel industry.

How Brands Can Prepare for Changes on Social During the Pandemic

May 21st, 2020 by

Social media use has increased significantly during the pandemic. Analyzing social posts during the early part of the lockdowns, three basic user groups emerge. It is likely their emotional states will change as the pandemic continues. Here’s how brands can spot these groups and prepare content for when they begin to change their behavior.

Coronavirus Amplifies The Focus on Fake News…and Laughter

May 7th, 2020 by

Fake news is not a new phenomenon. Its proliferation during the pandemic, though, when life and death are at stake, has elevated the issue to a new level. As a result, Hill + Knowlton’s (US) new analytics chief John Gillooly believes verifying data will be hot after the pandemic subsides. He also thinks it’s important for people to laugh now. Even for data analysts.

The Future of Travel: Mapping Predictive Trends in the Tourism Industry

May 5th, 2020 by

The associate director of APCO Worldwide’s Paris office uses the example of the travel industry to show how PR pros can use technology to create a model about what business may look like after the pandemic.

Health and Safety Will Remain Top of Mind Post-Pandemic

May 3rd, 2020 by

A PR and marketing maxim holds that you can never know too much about members of your audience. With so much possibly changing during the pandemic, what PR pros and marketers know about their audiences… Continued

Growth in Polls and Surveys Offers PR a Vision of the New Normal

April 21st, 2020 by

PRNEWS has argued often that collecting data is critical to help communicators understand their audiences. At this moment, when most things are closed or slowed significantly, it seems a new poll or survey is created every minute. This plethora of data is helping communicators get an accurate picture of the new normal.

woman laughing

New H+K Analytics Head Sees Coronavirus Increasing the Need for Data Verification

April 7th, 2020 by

What happens to measurement and analytics when coronavirus subsides? H+K’s new analytics chief thinks data verification will have increased importance since so much false information is floating around at the moment. He’s also urging his team to laugh and connect with each other on a personal level as they work from home.

Making the PR-to-Sales Connection: What’s Next in the ROI Equation?

March 1st, 2020 by

The advent of attribution analysis for earned media means that PR practitioners can answer one of the profession’s most elusive PR-ROI questions: How and to what degree does PR generate sales? The question now is what comes next?

Consumer Engagement on Social for Nonprofits Rises 4% for 2020; PETA Dominates Field

March 1st, 2020 by

Our regular look at data features exclusive figures from Shareablee about the most-active nonprofits for the first months of 2020. Overall, nonprofits enjoyed a slight jump in consumer engagement with their social posts, though engagement was off on Instagram and Twitter.