Strategy of the Week

A powerful community relations campaign can do double duty as a hook for nationwide media coverage. When Boudin Bakery, founded in 1849 by French immigrants, celebrated its
150th anniversary in San Francisco, the Shinoff Group launched a massive community relations campaign to further endear the popular spot (and its offshoot cafés) to area

Because the locals already connected the bakery with San Francisco, the agency's campaign promoted Boudin's deep San Francisco roots. Grassroots efforts like giveaways of
mouth-watering product samples also were key.

But the agency also wanted to target tourists and used the basis of the community relations campaign - the bakery's San Fran heritage - to pique the interest of national travel
and food magazines, making Boudin a must-see spot on the San Francisco tourism circuit. The team even used the grassroots tactics (free giveaways) on national reporters: On St.
Patrick's Day, shamrock-shaped sourdough breads were sent to long-lead travel and food reporters, with turkeys and Santas shipping later in the year. Media coverage of the
campaign on both local and national levels was huge, and Boudin sales increased 15 percent following Shinoff Group's campaign.

This strategy comes from the just-published PR NEWS Book of 100 Best Case Studies in PR, a compilation of our top case studies in community relations, media relations,
marketing communications and more. To order your copy - or to find out if you are featured in this must-read resource - call 888/707-5814.