Social Media & SEO

rxbar, instagram

Chew on These Morsels of RXBAR’s Audience-First Instagram Strategy

May 4th, 2017 by

Every brand commits social media mistakes, from skimping on audience research to waiting too long to respond to complaints. One gaffe that brands sometimes commit on social: focusing more on generating eye-catching content than on how audiences will likely interact with that content. Monitoring Instagram can be a particular challenge for brands seeking to stay on top of user trends. To help your brand better match its Instagram presence to audience behavior, chew on these five morsels of Instagram wisdom cooked up by protein bar company RXBAR.

3 Ways to Elevate Your Instagram Feed

May 3rd, 2017 by

Instagram now has over 400 million daily active users, making it the fastest growing social media platform. Given that swelling volume of activity, the marketing opportunities on Instagram abound. Making the most of your brand’s presence on the platform all starts with elevating your feed through such best practices as visual consistency, user-generated content and on-point messaging. Here are three tips to keep in mind.

PR News Honors Its 2017 Social Media Award Winners and Honorable Mentions

May 2nd, 2017 by

PR News celebrated some of the year’s best social media campaigns on May 2 at the Yale Club in New York City, as well as the digital leader and social media team of the year. Karen Raskopf, chief communications officer at Dunkin’ Brands, delivered a keynote address on the future of social media and how to create relevant social experiences.

Consumer Engagement With B2B Brands on Instagram Up 54% in Q4 ’16

May 1st, 2017 by

There’s little question that brands, even so-called unglamorous B2B brands that might seem to lack a compelling visual story, are finding Instagram a useful outlet for messaging. That was illustrated in our lead story last… Continued

Pandora Puts Audience First and Sales Second as It Builds Thought Leadership on LinkedIn

May 1st, 2017 by

Many PR pros tend to ignore LinkedIn as a messaging platform for their brands. Shame. LinkedIn said Apr. 24 it has 500 million members. That’s up from August, when it said it had 450 million members. This announcement prompted us to think about how brands can tap into the LinkedIn base with their messages. We asked a brand communicator as well as a LinkedIn executive about best practices for brands trying to build engagement and market services on the platform.

Google Fights ‘Fake News’ as Americans Prove Unwilling to Fact-Check

April 27th, 2017 by

When the mighty Google changes its algorithm, all of PR is pushed in the same direction by the shockwave; here’s hoping that the most recent change will nudge us into a better place. The search engine’s latest move is to demote (but not remove) pages that propagate lies, hoaxes, conspiracy theories and other junk content that more and more is collectively being labeled “fake news.”

Planning to Go Live? Follow Motorola Solutions’ 5-Step Live Broadcast Checklist First

April 26th, 2017 by

Daniella Peting follows one cardinal rule for live streaming: Don’t wing it. Peting, who manages Motorola Solutions’ social media presence in North America and co-leads the company’s Global Social Media Center of Excellence, makes a point of fully preparing every element of a live broadcast from conception to execution.

3 Steps to Spur Your Customer Community ROI

April 25th, 2017 by

What enables some customer communities to be financially productive while others remain a cost center? In the research study “The Business Impact of Online Communities,” we found that almost half (49%) of community leaders report revenue gains from their online community. This is an exciting proof-point, but it warranted further investigation. So, we analyzed the data to identify the winning conditions of the top communities and identified three key steps toward a better ROI.

How a So-Called Unglamorous Brand Builds Community on Instagram With Creative Content

April 24th, 2017 by

How can brands that supposedly lack a visual element create community and engagement on Instagram? One way is to expand the kind of content the brand provides. For example, at its essence is a large search engine for those seeking apartments and homes. On Instagram, though, it offers content about home decorating, entertaining, recipes, fitness and more, its AVP for social explains.

5 Steps to Take Before Spending on Facebook

April 20th, 2017 by

If you have more money than you know what to do with, you’re luckier than most of us, and you might be unconcerned about throwing your wealth around willy-nilly. For the rest of us, we want to know that we’re getting a solid return on our investment when it comes to paid social before we commit any cash. The first step to this is knowing your brand’s audience and where you’re already engaging them. Answering these ten questions will ensure you’re targeting the right audience for your brand and using your budget effectively.