Social Media & SEO


Glass Half Full or Empty? 48% Say They’ll Not Use Facebook Less Due to Cambridge Analytica Affair

April 3rd, 2018 by

We know that we should eat healthier and exercise more, but the vast majority of us do not. New surveys show people lack trust in Facebook’s handling of their personal information. Does this mean they’ll no longer use it as much? And what does a reduction in trust mean for a brand? We tackle these and other questions.

Will Facebook’s New Privacy Controls Affect Communicators?

March 28th, 2018 by

Following a lengthy lashing in the press and the loss of $95 billion in market value over the last week, Facebook has taken steps to make it easier for users to control the privacy of their personal data. The platform rolled out redesigned security settings that allow users to control what personal information the social network and its third-party apps can store. Yet some data—such as records of the ads that users clicked on—will still be visible.

2018 Social Media Awards Finalists Announced by PR News

March 27th, 2018 by

The world’s largest unboxing broadcast live on Facebook, a luxury hotel chain sharing its service values on Twitter, pancreatic cancer awareness spread through Instagram: these are just a few of the worthy social media campaigns spotlighted by the 2018 PR News’ Social Media Awards finalists. The winners of PR News’ Social Media Awards—which showcase the top social media campaigns and honor the individuals behind their success—are announced at an annual luncheon in New York City. This year, PR News’ Social Media Awards Luncheon will be held May 23, 2018 at The Yale Club.

GoPro Tops Electronics Sector in Consumer Engagement With 74,000 Actions Per Post

March 27th, 2018 by

It sometimes seems that brand communicators and marketers operate in silos within their companies. When it comes to social media, though, they appear to be reading from the same script. In 2017 the Consumer Electronics sector followed the pattern of other industry sectors by posting fewer pieces of social media content, but gaining more consumer engagement.

Women Twice as Likely as Men to Shop on Mobile Devices and Respond to Bargains From Marketers

March 27th, 2018 by

Several weeks ago we reported Statista’s survey of 10,000 U.S. adults 18-64 provided patterns concerning how the sexes made purchases. The differences between the sexes seemed small. This week we have another survey that shows the sexes indeed are shopping differently, at least when online devices are used. In addition, women are better bargain hunters than men.

Just 41% of Americans Trust Facebook to Obey Laws That Protect Their Personal Information

March 27th, 2018 by

A survey of some 2,000 Americans taken last week as the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica data breach story was ebbing reveals few surprises. The Reuters / IPSOS survey, however, emphasizes one aspect of the future for Facebook: trust in the company has been battered.

Study: Millennials Are Much More Than the Sum of Their Social Media Accounts

March 27th, 2018 by

The Selfie Generation is a difficult moniker for Millennials to be proud of. A new study from Fuse Media could help. It argues that Millennials are far more interested in values, diversity and societal issues than they appear to be. And while they are more comfortable with social media than older generations, their dependance on communications technology is highly overrated.

Killer Mike Flexes Influencer Muscles With NRA Interview and Inevitable Apology

March 26th, 2018 by

The March for Our Lives on March 24 attracted huge crowds across the country in support of gun reform. But upsetting the march’s No. 1 trending position on Twitter that afternoon, the National Rifle Association released an interview with rapper and activist Killer Mike. The interview was widely criticized by gun-reform advocates but it quickly became something else: a textbook example of the power influencers have to further a national conversation, sometimes at the expense of the very organization with which they are affiliated.

What Instagram’s Altered Algorithm Really Means for Brands

March 23rd, 2018 by

Instagram recently announced a change to its algorithm so that posts will now appear in a more chronological manner, finally heeding years of user complaints. But does that mean your brand should now post more frequently? How will brands be impacted by this change? Carmen Collins, social media lead for the talent brand at Cisco Systems, weighs in.

linkedin filters

LinkedIn Adds Video Filters; Instagram Beefs Up Profile Links

March 22nd, 2018 by

If you’re taking a break from Snapchat à la Rihanna or fed up with Facebook following the Cambridge Analytica revelations, LinkedIn and Instagram have got you covered with new features that could make communicators’ jobs a little easier. LinkedIn, well on its way to becoming a full-fledged social platform, continues to add visual storytelling elements to its offerings. This week it unveiled a video filter feature for users, complementing its new native video function.